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DaMarco pov
I was cleaning up in the boy's room when I noticed Caleb left his basketball ball uniform.

"Where you headed?" Shay asked.

"Caleb needs this for tomorrow."

"Okay hurry back."
I knocked on the door and rang the doorbell.

I didn't get an answer. I went to the back door and lucky for me it was open.

"Toya?" I said walking inside.

It was silence. I jogged upstairs and put the uniform on his bed. 

I knocked on Toya's bedroom door.

"Toy?" She wasn't in there.

I guess they were all gone.

Latoya pov
"Yes Cass I'm fine."

"You sure. Where are y'all?"

"On the road"

"Where the boys?"

I looked back in the basket seat. "Fast asleep."

"Okay text me when you make it. Be safe."

"Okay I will."

DaMarco pov
My phone vibrated on the couch.


"Sup Cooper. I just wanted to ask why Caleb wasn't at practice?"

I furrowed my eyes brows. "What do you mean not at practice?"

""Just what I said. He never showed up."

I sighed. "Okay uhh let me give his mother a call."

"What's wrong babe?" Shay asked.

"Coach just called and said that Caleb didn't go to basketball practice."

"Well maybe Toya doesn't feel like taking him or she forgot."

"Her ass so damn lazy. She better be taking him. I paid good money."

I called her phone. But it went straight to voicemail.


Latoya pov
"Wake up boys. Y'all need to eat something."

I handed them McDonald's bags.

"Mom?" Cay said.


"Where are we."

"Somewhere far from daddy."

DaMarco pov
I waited in my car for Cassidy to get home.


"Damnit Marco you can't be sneaking up on me at 11 at night." She said breathing heavily.

"Scary ass." I said laughing.

She sighed. "What do you want? If your looking for Tyreese he is at his mom's"

"Nah im talking to the person I need."

She looked at me confused.

"Have you seen Toya lately? I been trying to reach her I don't get an answer."

"Nope." Cassidy said walking away from me.

I knew she was lying. They talk every damn day.

"If you know where she is can you tell me and stop playing games."

She slammed her car door close.

"Maybe she doesn't want too be found! Yea she ran away! She needs a break from all your bullshit! Just know that she is okay and the boys are too." She walked inside the house and slammed the door.

She was right Toya needed a break and Imma let her have one. She will come back around in 5 weeks.


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