P h o t o g r a p h

554 14 3

There is something in the stillness of your photograph

That gives off a nostalgia feeling of shared laughs

How it can't be manipulated by any kind of force,

How it can be tear or burned and won't be restored.

Maybe because that day, you smelled like sunscreen

Of sweat and the sun and a little of a sweet daydream

Your semi-tanned arms were hot in my bare skin

And we walked alongside the stillness of the stream

I can't bear to look or the memories won't be gone

But I can't also bear to burn our past of me and him

Maybe because of your lie in June that can't be undone

Or the continuous throbbing of my heart every 12 PM


I can't express my thoughts enough, but I'm very glad of the outcome :)

Dedicated to NickyJones023 because you're Awesome! :D

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