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Sapphire's POV

After my make out session with the Mystery Guy, I directly went inside my room and lay in bed lazily. What the fuck did I just do? I kissed a Demon even though I don't know his name. Wait, what's his name anyway? He knows mine but I doesn't know his. Okay, weird.

I groan. Why the hell did I let that happened? He stole my first kiss and first make out session. What else? My virginity? No thank you.

I rubbed my palm on my face frustratedly, feeling embarrassed of what just happened awhile ago.

But his lips, his lips felt good onto my skin, giving me chills every time he kiss me. I suddenly touch my neck where he place his soft kisses and refresh my memory once again.

Well fuck, I'm daydreaming.

His kiss may be cold, but the way it affects my body keeps me warm. I close my eyes.

Oh, Good Lord please help me find the old Sapphire back. Her body is here but her mind doesn't. Its somewhere else.

Fuck, what am I going to do now?

My life is a fucking mess.

"Love? That was very rude of you to leave me down there in the kitchen"

He appear beside my bed without me noticing him. I jump a little. I didn't hear him use the door or maybe because its his ability to do something like that? Like you know? Appearing in just a blink of an eye? Right.

"Get away from me" I said putting my face to my pillow. I don't want to face him. I am still feel embarrassed about what happened. Well it's your fault too Sapphire. You let him kiss you.

"Why is that my love?"

He asked but I just ignore him. I don't want to talk to him, I'm not in the mood. I'm going to admit, I'm so tired right now. All I do is buried my face into my pillow and grip it tightly.

After a minute of ignoring him, I hear someone growl and I'm sure it comes from him.

"Are you ignoring me now?"

I stay silent, still ignoring him. That's when I didn't notice, a hand grab my ankle with a hard force cause me to jolt up and scream as he shoved me down to the floor, banging my head on it and my butt. It hurts.

"Ah fuck" I cursed as I felt a slight pain into my head.

"Ignoring me isn't a great idea my Sapphire" He growl at me as I stayed there laying on the floor.

"And who are you to demand me what to do? I don't even know your name" I snap right back at him. He's moody. I thought he stopped his tortures to me, but I guess not. What a lucky day you have Sapphire.

"Now you want to know my fucking name. How interesting"

He said while he started to chuckle. I slowly stand up when a hand grab me by my waist and throw me onto his shoulder. I scream, "Put me down! What do you want?!"

He suddenly found a chair and place me there as he grab my both hands, placing it on my back and I felt like he's tying me down. What the fuck?! I felt a rope suddenly circles my wrist together so it mean I can't let go of this chair, making me stay. And where the hell did he get those ropes anyway? I kept moving my hands but it's stuck.

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