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Sapphire's POV 

2 Months Later

"Nope I won't let you." Lorraine told me, crossed arms as she look at me. I rolled my eyes on her. Why wouldn't she let me buy some foods?! Its only foods!

"My fridge is already full!" She exclaimed. I laugh.

"Ain't my fault."

"Of course it is."

Ever since that event happened, everything is back to normal. The town is free from Alexander's curse. Even though that was the last time I saw him. After I kissed Alexander on the forehead, when I open my eyes, they're all gone. James, Lucina, Matthew along with Morte I guess were gone. Am I the curse breaker? I laugh to myself.

I still don't know where they go or disappeared to, but all I know that town is back to normal and finally free. People aren't controlled anymore. The the town became lively again and I was glad that no one is hurt anymore. The people in town couldn't forget the legendary killings of Alexander and some of them still fears him up to till now. For me, may be Xander disappeared too because he's a demon? It could be, but the question is he dead or not? I sigh.

People still doesn't know what his real name and face is. They still call him the mystery or whistling guy. Maybe only me knew who he really is.

Now that everything's back to normal, me and Lorraine decided to live together. We decided to live together in my parents house, The Gates actually bought. Where me and Blake or let me say Alexander first met, where me , Matthew and Lucina moved in. I let Lorraine live with me because I have no one to be with in this house anyway. I never told her about everything that happened and all she know that my parents are dead. The real and the fake one. I change some of the story that my fake ones are puppets because I don't want to confuse her even more.

I told her that I lost my memories and that The Gates aren't my real parents and I'm actually adopted. And told her that someone told me that my real ones is a Lawrence. Then long story short. But I never told her about what happened between me and Xander. I want to keep it a secret.

I never heard about Yana anymore. Maybe she went with them too. I wonder where Xander is now. Is he still with Morte?

"I want to go out" I pleaded. I want food okay and I want to think... Alone.

"And where are you going bitch?" Lorraine.

"Bitch, I'm buying foods" I said.


"Whatever" I suddenly ran out from the door, laughing, leaving her mad.

She's so funny when she's mad. Her face is red like a tomato.

I went out for a stroll and happened to pass by a bakery shop and spotted a cupcake.

"I want one" I muttered softly to myself.

Well damn, I left my money in our house. Lorraine was so annoying I need to get out quickly. I sigh sadly.

I just walk once again, wherever my feet would take me until it lead me to a place I never went before. There's a big lake and a big tree. The view is so beautiful. The sunlight hits the lake making the water looks with crystal lights. I found a bench and decided to sit on it. I sigh heavily once again.

I never thought my life would experience so many things. Either its good or bad. Even though some of my memories aren't back completely yet from my past, at least I remember some of them. Especially how I first met Xander and my small moments with my family.

But I'm sure that its still not all of them. 

I'm already happy that I finally met my family even its only in my dreams. I hope they're okay now and watching over me.

Lucina and Matthew Gates still did a great part in my life. Even tough they were only Morte's puppet, they took care of me like I was their daughter.

Maybe that's why Matthew went here in this town is because not of his work or business, but maybe because he knew, he knew that my memories would lie in here. In this very place. They brought me here for a reason. I don't know what kind of reason. Maybe for a bad reason or good. I don't know.

And I finally legally changed my surname into Lawrence. I'm not a Gates anymore but a Lawrence. Long story short really.

But starting from now on, I want to live a normal and happy life with everyone. Doesn't matter who. Everyone is like a family to me. We are all family. He or she may be good or bad, we're still a family. Because we come from God, we are His children. So I have every reason to treat everyone in my town as family. And I will swore that I'll protect them no matter what.

I smiled and look up.

"I really am grown up now mom"

And I think I am.

My thoughts were suddenly cut off when my phone rings from my pocket. I checked who it was and saw Lorraine's name. I rolled my eyes again.

I answer it.

"Lorraine, if you think I went out to buy goods, I didn't becau–"

"Shut up bitch! Look who's here! I don't know who he is! Who is he?!" She asked worriedly from the other line making me stand up from my sit.

"Why? What happened? Are you okay?! Did he hurt you?!" Shit! I hope she's fine. Who's that guy anyway.

"I'm fine, I swear. Its just he keeps looking for you and I don't know what's wrong with him seriously. He's not dangerous okay? More like, he's a delivery guy. I mean is he?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Maybe its a delivery for you. He has a box of cupcakes with him and I told him just to leave it here. But he refused. He said he will wait for you till you get home. I think you ordered something Sapphire and you're just afraid to tell me..." she said.

A delivery for me? Cupcakes? I didn't order a box of cupcakes from the bakery shop awhile ago, did I? No, because I have no money okay.

"No, I did not. What's his name anyway? Did he tell you his name?" I asked.

"Uh... Yup, he did. He said his name is Knighter. That's all. I think that's not his real name, because he said, just call me Knighter. What do you think? Think. Think. Ah! I'm going crazy."

Then I drop the phone.

I run as fast as I could to go home quickly.

He's here?! He's already here?! He's back?! Xander?

When I finally reached the house and stare in front of the door. Is he here inside? When I slowly turn the knob and open it...

There. I saw him. Wearing a white shirt and jeans and shoes? He's wearing shoes now? I slowly look up to him and meet his blue eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes and his dirty blonde hair.

I laughed when I remembered calling him dirty blonde hair boy which he dislikes so much.

I notice the box of cupcakes he's holding making me smile. He remembered too.

Cupcakes are the ones I gave him when we first met.

"Hey! You're already here?! Why did you just suddenly left me on the line?! Are you crazy?!" Lorraine pop out from behind him but my eyes never leave his. He's here.

"Wow! Now I'm invisible! Okay bye!" Then she left.

"I um... Hi, I-im Sapphire. Sapphire Lawrence." I draw out my hand for him to shake and he did. He place the box of cupcakes in his other hand and shake mine softly.

"I know. And I'm Alexander McKnight. Nice to meet you..."

"And guess what Knighter?"

"What?" His lips turning into a smirk as he look at me with playful eyes.

I smiled.

"I love you too."

The Mystery Guy *editing*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant