Chapter 7 - Impending Fate.

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There are a million different ways I could possible spend a Friday night. In fact most nineteen years old would be out, hitting the clubs and bars taking total advantage of their student discounts. If they weren’t drinking they were probably hanging with friends, at the movies or doing something even slightly entertaining. Me, however, I was stood in the shower trying to unstick flour from my hair. 

Four hours earlier I was happily, well as happy as I could be working in the dingy bakery, mixing together ingredients. Next thing I knew a stray dog had wondered all the way through into the kitchen and was going berserk. After chasing it around for a good twenty minutes I managed to direct him back to wherever he came from. 

Of course I couldn’t let him leave hungry, so all the stale bread was fed to him. Upon leaving though he knocked the work area and me being crouched down feeding him bread, was soon attacked by a falling bag of flour. 

One thing I had learnt from the flour attack was; if you mix flour and water as a means of getting it out, it will only make it worse. Instead of having dry flour in my hair, it had all clumped together and was being a pain in the arse. It took four attempts at shampooing my hair, let alone conditioning it to get anything slightly normal out of it.

I gave up trying to revive my hair to a point where it was somewhat acceptable; I decided I’d try again tomorrow. I was looking forward to having a day off, especially on a Saturday. It was a rare instance to have a free weekend, but Floyd owed my holiday time and by law he couldn’t say no – leaving him and Nia to run the place. Although I had quickly prepped twice the amount of cakes today needed for the weekend. 

I cursed numerously as I stepped out of the shower into the chilly air. The vent in the bathroom was going into overdrive with all the steam I created, trying to flood the room with cold air much to my displeasure. Typically it was broken to so I couldn’t close it. I had told the landlord but he seemed more interested in his Sudoku puzzle he was attempting to solve. Just looking over his desk I could see why it was taking him forever to figure it out, he’d put two sevens in one row. 

I shuffled around the bathroom whilst fixing my towel around my shivering body. I was still dripping wet when I heard a commotion on the other side of the door. 

“Lennon are you still in the shower?!” Dom shouted almost desperately. Debating whether or not to open the door, I stood wavering from foot to foot, adorned in still only the towel.

“Um, no. What’s up?”

“You can’t just barge in! Who the hell do you think you are!?” Dom yelled, but it wasn’t aimed at me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I pressed my ear up against the door trying to determine what was taking place in my bedroom. Typically I didn’t have any clothes with me, I’d left them all in my bedroom as always.

“Dom, what’s going?” I half shouted through the door, taking a step back as I awaited a response.

“I’ll call the police if you don’t leave!” Dom ignored my question and continued to bark. My heart was pumping as I heard muffling voices converse, they weren’t shouting, in fact I could barely hear anything only footsteps. I assumed whoever was there was either gone, or whispering. My first guess was it would be Jason in my room, looking for something else to pilfer. It wouldn’t be the first time and I doubt it would be the last. I tended to keep most of my valuables hidden in a shoebox under my bed – cliché I know but Jason thought it was shoes inside. 

Deciding I couldn’t stay any longer in the bathroom, which was slowly turning into a freezer, I figured I’d ward him off and maybe a slap around the wrist. I knew Emma would lecture me but it wasn’t her stuff he was stealing. 

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