Chapter 38 - Easily.

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I muttered several curse words under my breath as one of my crutches crashed to the floor next to the hospital bed I was sat on the edge off. I shuffled further over the side, my feet almost touching the floor until I jumped down. The morphine helped with the pain to a certain extent, it made the stress float away but the dull aches were still there in the back of my mind. My whole body was generally tired, I spent more time asleep than awake in the past few days yet I couldn’t help let a lone yawn out.

I bent down and grabbed the metal stick and gripped it tightly in my hand before standing back up and balancing myself, one crutch in either hand. I wasn’t supposed to leave my room unless I needed the bathroom, and even then I was supposed to call a nurse for help – not something I was pleased with doing.

I stumbled my way towards the door, it was mid afternoon so the nurses weren’t doing their drug rounds or blood tests just yet. I had a drip full of morphine injected into my arm, being pulled along on a small trolley behind me. It wasn’t the quietest thing in the world but I was slowly becoming addicted to the effects the drug had so the thought of leaving it behind was out of the equation. 

I had my own room in the hospital luckily, I could still hear the wails of patients in pain on the wards, their screams were hauntingly terrifying in the dead of the night. I sprung the door open and wandered aimlessly in the corridor. The door slammed shut behind me causing me to cringe and momentarily stand completely still to make sure I hadn’t attracted the attention of any nurses. Luckily they were all too busy to even notice I was walking through the halls. 

I followed the painted lines on the floor indicating which way I needed to go. I kept my head down as I passed doctors and other medical staff darting through the hospital. It was a slow and tedious walk, if I was healthy I could have done it in the fraction of the time. I sighed contently when I reached the room I was looking for. I pressed my face up against the glass on the door – he was sound asleep so I didn’t bother knocking.

I closed the door quietly and marched right up to the side of the bed. I took a second to admire his appearance. When I woke up from my several operations in the past few days I looked like I could give Frankenstein a run for his money, and yet Harry looked as if he could gallivant down a catwalk. 

I stood at the side of his bed, next to his head watching his chest rise up and down with every breath. The lights were off and the only sound was the heart rate monitor on the opposite side of the bed. I looked carefully at his arm, it was bandaged up so his limb looked twice the size it normally was. 

“Wake up,” I whispered, poking his unscathed arm. He let out a small grunt but remained completely motionless and out cold. I rolled my eyes at his typical actions. I poked him again, harder this time. “Wake up.”

This time he woke up, his eyes peeled themselves open ever so slightly. I wasn’t sure he even knew what was going on, or if he could actually see through the small slits over his eyes. 

“I didn’t walk half way through the hospital dragging this thing after me avoiding every nurse possible to watch you sleep.” 

“Lennon?” He mumbled, waving his hand around in the air as if he was searching for me. 

“No it’s Tom Hanks.” I replied sarcastically. “Of course it’s me you dipshit.”

“Hey don’t be mean, I’ve just had needles shoved into my shoulder for the past two hours.”

He groaned finally opening his eyes properly, his gaze instantly fixating on me. I plopped my butt down on the chair next to his bed and breathed a sigh of relief as the weight of my legs had been lifted temporarily. 

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