Chapter 6

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        "Wha--What?" I asked, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This girl, Nikki. Doesn't look like me in any way. "How?" I asked again. My dad sighed and faked a smile. "You see, she is your younger sister. I found my mate and we both had a child. That's why your mother left, not because of what I am," he said, making my heart break with every word he was saying. "But.. Then, What is your excuse of not being Alpha then?" I asked, not wanting to believe what I am hearing or whatever is happening this day that is seriously ruining my life.

"When your mother found out about my mother, your mom was heart broken... so she left. My mother was mad at dad for marrying someone that is not his mate. So for his punishment, she left," Nikki said as she slowly walked close to me. "So she knew the truth, and I didn't?" I asked, it's just unbelievable!

"My mother told me the truth, never met dad till now," she said as she checked her nails or something. I rubbed my temples and said "I... I need some time to think about this," as I ran up the stairs. So all night I have been lying wide awake thinking about so many things that went wrong in my life, like Mason became Chloe's mate, she betrayed me. My father who lied to me about everything, it was like I was living a lie. Found out I have a sister who might be kind or mean but the thing that hurt me the most, the one thing that can scar me for life, was my mate who rejected me. Just by thinking of him made my lips tingle for the softness of his lips, it just heat me up with so much desire, a feeling I have never felt with anyone.

but a feeling I might never experience ever again.


        I woke up in the morning  feeling like crap. I did my normal routine then wore just loose jeans, a dark green fitting shirt with some converse. but as I descended the stairs the scene just made me angry but hurt at the same time. My father was cooking pancakes and Nikki was there helping him, both of them laughing and smiling, having a good time but once Nikki saw me she bit her lips, playing as if she was hiding something. My father looked at me and asked "Breakfast Skye?" I wasn't jealous, no way in hell was I jealous that my dad was having a fun and good time with his other daughter who happens to also be the daughter of his true mate.

"Good morning to you too dad! No thanks, I'm not hungry," I said as I walked out the door, slamming it. Harsh, I know but I was angry. Instead of waiting for Jane and Daniel to come pick me up, I decided to walk to school.

Once I got to school there was many people, lining up and tables spread out. "What's going on here?" I asked myself. "The school's welcome back dance," someone said behind me, I turned around and saw Mason. I just rolled my eyes remembering what happened when me and him were alone. "You don't have to be harsh Skye, besides the dance is gonna be fun!" he said as he came up beside me. "Who is heading the school's dance?" I asked, "Chloe, who else?" he asked, true. Since Chloe was the kind to plan everything that happens in the school, I should have seen that before because she was so good in planning and preparing everything that she was fit to be Luna.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away when Mason grabbed my arm "Skye..." But before he could say another word, Jane called out "SKYE!!" I turned my head and saw Jane and Daniel at one corner. Mason let my arm go and I jogged to them. "Have good news and bad news," Jane said "Again? Ugh! Bad news first!" I said, Jane rolled her eyes and said "The good news is that each pack member is allowed to go to the dance with ANYBODY," she emphasized the word Anybody.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, "Duh! Like Daniel can go with me and you can go with Na--" But before she could get his name out of her mouth, I covered her mouth with my hand. "Don't say his name out loud, are you trying to cut our heads off?" I hissed. "Bad news is right behind you," Daniel said, I turned around and.....

Heart broken

My heart shattered for good, my soul lost in the ocean of my own tears. The scene in front of me was too much pain for me to take in. God knows I have suffered enough and why does this keep happening to me. There in front of me was Nikki and Nate walking together. People gave way as they all stared at them with awe. Nikki looked at Nate and smiled and so did Nate. It was heart breaking. "I've always hated her," Jane asked. "Who is that?" Daniel replied and added "She's not in our pack," Jane then said "That's because she doesn't belong to anyone's pack here," 

"Then she is human? but I can smell that she is a wolf," Daniel said, confused. "That's because she is from the Silver River Pack, she is the daughter of my father's mate... she is my sister," I said, both Daniel and Jane looked at me with unbelieving eyes. "You're shitting me!? Nikki is your sister!?" Jane asked, "Yup! Had the same expression yesterday. Just found out yesterday too," I said as I started to walk away, not wanting to dig deeper into the topic but to my expectation, Daniel and Jane followed me. "So if you are her sister that also means that them two are mates?" Daniel asked, "No, it can't be. It doesn't work that way, Nikki has always been around Nate, I just thought she was gone," Jane said. "Guys, I seriously don't want to talk about it," I said instead of prying questions from Jane.

        I was walking the empty hallways, away from the busy people. Away from anybody who I know. "Well, well, well, Sister!" Someone said, I turned around and knew who already was the person by her calling me sister. "Nikki," I sighed. "What? I just wanted to get to know my older sister, I mean. I got to know everybody else especially Nathaniel," she said, I knew exactly what she was doing. My wolf growled, wanting to tear her into shreds. "Whoa there! Easy girl. No need for violence," she said but before any of us could say another word, I saw Nate appear behind her. "Hey baby!" she chirped. My blood boil and all I wanted to do was tear her limb by limb, making sure none of her body parts are alive and touching the air of this earth. "Baby, I want you to meet my sister, Skye," Nikki said as Nate came beside her and put an arm around her shoulders but as Nikki said sister, Nate's eyes grew wide and asked "Sister?"

"Yup! I know, she looks nothing like me," Nikki said as she fixed her hair. "Hey Nikki! I need help!" Chloe shouted from the distance, but I also saw her glare at me. Nikki smiled and quickly kissed Nate on the lips and said "See you later baby! Later Skye!" As she ran off towards Chloe. I trembled and shook violently. My wolf wanted to surface, wanted to tear, and taste the blood of Nikkis'.

"Sister?" Nate asked, "Please! Don't act like you didn't know," I said as I rolled my eyes. "I seriously didn't know Skye. I swear!" he said, his eyes full of pain and sorrow. "You know what... it doesn't matter anymore Nate. You rejected me... because you obviously belong to someone else.... Don't feel bad for me," I said but all of a sudden his hands were on my shoulders and he said "But it does matter Skye," he looked me right in the eye but something snapped in me and I pushed him away from me, ranting "What the hell Nate? First of all, you reject me and told me that whatever happened to us back there won't ever happen again but you say you care but at the same time you don't, I don't understand you, you are--" But I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine.

His lips felt good, felt soft and warm upon mine. His hands traveling up and down my waist, making me feel amazing. My hands found their way around his neck, pulling him closer and closer. Not wanting to stop this kiss. Then he pulled me back into a classroom with nobody inside. He closed and lock the door. He gently pushed me on the teacher's table, he started kissing me passionately this time, his tongue asked for entrance and I let him explore my mouth. I started grinding against him, feeling his maybe huge member bulging from his pants.

My heart was beating so fast that I could not keep up with it. It felt like I was soaring into the sky, diving into the ocean for the first time, like time have stopped and the only thing that mattered was what was happening at this very moment. We both pulled away to breathe, he looked into my eyes and all I see in his eyes was pure love, lust and desire.

He started kissing my neck and I was whimpering and moaning, I was starting to undo his belt when he stopped, "What?" I asked. "Shhh!" was all that came out of his mouth. He suddenly grabbed me and we both hid in the small storage closet that can barely fit me and him "What's wrong?" I asked but he just covered my mouth with his hand and close the storage door, we could see a bit of the classroom and if we moved just a bit then we would fall out of the closet.

Soon the light turned on.

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