Chapter 8

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       Jane and me got to a huge house, "Whoa! This is your house?" I asked, even though it was late at night, the house still glowed bright. "This is Alpha Nate's house," she said, not getting out of the car yet. "What!?!" I kinda shouted hoping nobody heard me. She got some perfume out of her bag and sprayed it all over my body making me cough.

"You know I have a perfume too," I said, she smiled and sniffed me. "Now I can't smell your scent. Good! Yes, we are at Alpha Nate's house. Haven't you been listening to me before? He took care of me, so I live with him. He is like an older brother to me," she said as she got out of the car. Some of, I guess pack members were standing outside the house. "Hey Jane! Ready to party?" one of them asked, "Oh Yeah! I hope Alpha Nate doesn't mind but I brought a friend along with me," she said politely. The guys laughed and said "No problem as long as she doesn't cause trouble," Jane rolled her eyes and grabbed my hand dragging me inside the house.

As we got inside the house, it was more amazing inside. My eyes widen in wonder as I saw silver and black modern furniture everywhere, though it was modernize it had a warm house feeling to it. "Wow! It doesn't look like you and Nate live here," I said as I walked further inside. "Yeah, apparently... his room is different from all the rest but no one has been in there not even me... but hurry! We must get inside my room before he comes home," she said as she started to drag me again.

Once we made a few turns since the house was so huge, I would absolutely get lost in it. we finally stopped at a door and entered a dark green room. "Okay! We like have a few minutes to get ready!" she said as she ran over that seems like a walk in closet. I walked farther into the room and sat on her violet bed.

She walked out holding a dress out to me, my eyes widen and I said "I'm not wearing that! I'm comfortable with what I am wearing," she shook her head and said "Yeah, but you need to blend in. All the females in our pack and from different packs that are friendly come and slut themselves up just to try to catch the Alpha's attention or just even sleep with him," "But I am not a slut!" I defended myself.

Even though he is my mate, I would not sleep with him. I am not that easy but these are only words, what will my body respond when it's about to happen?

"Come on Skye! You don't want any girl dancing against your man? Or any woman trying to catch your man's attention right?" she said, I was still pondering on her words 'My man' as in Nate is my man, My man is Nate. It was still registering in my head. "Do yah? because I have heard great deals about you Skye Hale. Being the daughter of the Antonio Hale, former Alpha of the Moonlight Pack and I was even shock to see you so down just because you saw this bitch Nikki hanging out with your man, he is your man Skye! You have to accept that, the great spirit made him for you! and you for him and only him." she said,

I sighed and said "But you're missing the point, he is the enemy." and as I said that, music started blasting from downstairs making part of the house shake. Jane did a side smirk, then she came close up to me only a few inches away from my face "Skye! Being down and sorrowful was the old you! Show them, Show him! Who is the real Skye Hale! Show them you are stronger!!" and with her words sinking into my brain. I grabbed the dress from her hand to get ready to make my man remember that I was his.


        The music was so loud that I couldn't even hear myself think, I was ready with my dress, makeup and hair curled all up ready to show off who I was.

Jane was behind me as we descended the stairs, She was wearing a a tight green dress. I guess green was her color and once people saw us walking down the stairs all eyes were on us. Some were wolf whistles and some were shouting, there was many people and all of them were werewolves. Soon someone came in front of us and gave me and Jane a tequila shot. Me and Jane smiled at each other and downed our drink.

After a few shots**

        Me and Jane were now very tipsy. We were dancing and grinding against whoever was near us and who grabbed us but if they tried to kiss us we would slap them. Suddenly "Skye?" I turned around and saw Nikki, she was wearing a very horrible designed zebra dress, that looked too sluttish for my style. "Yes, oh wee sister?" I asked, obviously high as fuck. "What are you doing here? and you're a party girl?" she asked as she put her hands on her hips like she was the older sister. "First of all, I am the responsible one. So What are YOU doing here? Obviously I am here to party with my friends, *I turned around to face Jane and the boys she was dancing with and they cheered as I shouted out to them* and for your little brain information, I am the party Queen," I said as I pinched her cheek.

She had an annoyed look on her face and she stormed away, me and my friends cheered and we went on dancing. I was grinding against some guy but that's until someone pushed him away furiously, and the person who pushed him away just stood behind me, and wrapping his arms around my waist and it sent shivers down my back and only one guy could do that.


"What are you doing here?" he growled in my ear so no one can hear but even though he might be angry and furious at me. God there was never a time or even a single emotion on him that did not turn me on. Just by him growling in my ear, sent me into ecstasy. I turned around so I can face him and wrapped my arms around his neck, I could already feel eyes were on us. "I'm just having fun," I giggled out. "Obviously you are drunk but you know if any of your pack members find you here. You are dead!" he hissed. I cupped his face and swayed my hips to the beat 'Sweet nothing (which is displayed above)' and cooed "Aww.. now you care?" he growled as his fingers dig deeper into my waist making me swallow back a moan.

"Ohh... someone is a bit--" but I was caught off as soon as I saw Nikki grinding up against him from behind. I growled without even knowing, I started doing dance moves that I have never done before. but then Nikki started to grind even more but then she did something that I did not expect, she grabbed Nate's face and slammed her lips upon his.

Right there, my whole world froze. It felt as if the world just stopped and all I could hear was my heart breaking. Then when reality came back to me, I ran up the stairs within a blink of an eye. Trying to block out the pain, but the pain was too much. I burst into sobs right as I entered a random room. I looked around to see that the room, was not like the rest of the house. It was actually very cozy and the black soft carpet was beautiful matching the dark red walls. I ran to the bed and started sobbing.

I knew that I should have been strong, should have been the one kissing Nate and not Nikki but I had no right, since he rejected me. He and Nikki were in a relationship. I mean, now that I think of it... I am having doubts if he is truly my mate because ever since he came into my life, all I could feel was pain and sadness. I even told Daniel that if I had a mate he would never make me cry but I was wrong, all I did with Nate was cry and kiss, cry and kiss, nothing serious, nothing deeper than the word love and lust itself.

Suddenly the door burst open, I turned around to see Nate. Standing there with his black button up shirt unbuttoned showing his oh so delicious abs, his hair was messy and he was sweating that I could see the sweat run down his face. I tried my best not to blush or succumb to the heat that was growing in my abdomen. He closed the door and locked it, I took a step back not knowing if he locked me up in here with him for something bad.... or something too good.

"Look Nate, I am sorry... I should have never came here, I--" but before I could finish my sentence he cut me off by pressing his lips upon mine.

Next one will be really PG-13. So Please do Vote! The picture above is the dress of Skye, and Thanks for reading!

The ALPHA and me.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα