17: Hold My Hand

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"I couldn't thank God in words, I wished my deeds showed how thankful I was of Him."

After three months.

"Can I get out now, my company needs me," I asked hesitantly, watching him tap away on his laptop. His long professional fingers moving fast, eyes directed on his screen.

"You're staying here." He replied, still typing.

"What about my company? I can't stay away from this long." I argued.

He didn't stop. "Your company was working fine when you weren't here, I'm here, that's enough." He cut short.

I narrowed my eyes. "You can't stop me from standing up for my company."

"I can, but I won't. I'm only making you stay home. I can do this." He paused then continued typing, "I can let you make all the decisions at home, do all the work I was doing on your behalf only at home with no contact with anyone. I will carry it out, agree?" He offered and it slightly hit me because he cared or he wanted to take the burden off of his shoulders.

"Yes, better. Thank you." I said relieved, and the night carried on with me leaving him to his quarters while I to mine.

We slept in separate rooms, stayed distant, and mentioned nothing about my abduction. Abdi was still digging, and I was still missing according to the outside world, Musa didn't let anyone of them see me since it raised suspicion. I was enclosed within the foreign condo walls, the therapy Dr. Ali's wife gave was relieving, but I still kept a lot to myself. Musa stopped asking me entirely and just made sure I was healthy and fully taken care of, I hadn't seen the outside in three months and it was killing me but I understood why he was keeping me away, even I didn't want to face anyone. My trust was broken by my father-in-law and my first cousin, it broke my heart and I knew I was alone since Musa was never mine, to begin with. He left me all to myself twice a week, and I knew very well where he went, I couldn't stop him nor myself from crying my eyes out those two nights when I knew entirely how he was with Aleeyah. Honestly, I couldn't bear sharing him, especially with an evil woman like her. If she truly loved him, I would've never yearned for someone I could never have, but after knowing her full intentions I couldn't help but feel protective of him.

I wanted to believe he was going to be kind but each passing moment made it hard, he reminded me of Mustafa and Aleeyah, knowing he shares a bed with her, she was in him and he in her made me sick because it was Aleeyah and not some loving wife we were talking about. I felt sorry for him and myself and I could only pray for things to go easy on us, I was eagerly waiting for the day Allah rewarded me with my patience. I hoped that someone or something miraculous will make us one someday, In Sha Allah.

Our days passed by just like that, with the same routine. Me tending my horrific scars, taking medication and keeping a healthy diet while he came from work, had any type of tea, dinner then slept while I woke half the nights fighting my terror of the gone. I was in my room working on my company reports when I remembered how I got scared one night, how I screamed my lungs out as he ran to my aid keeping me close to himself saying sweet nothings, helping me back to sleep, and just like that he would be a stranger the next morning. I started praying Tahajjud since I woke up all the time out of fear, I focused on praying mostly and keeping myself busy, for now, the files were tiring me I decided I would complete them after Fajr before he left for work so I got up and took a long much-needed bath letting the rosy water seep into each pore, grooming myself as if I was a new bride, I laughed to myself I was a bride on a funeral, it was horrible. It had been eight months since my father's death and my marriage, I was counting and if a year was complete, I had a feeling my coming days were going to be tougher, he was going to get rid of me soon.

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