What the fuck!!! I'm being forced to marry a kid!

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"GET THE DAMN FILE DONE JASE! MANDY GET MY LAWYER HERE NOW AND I WANT THIS DOCUMENT DISPATCHED. ARE YOU GONNA MOVE TODAY? " Everyone stared at me. I hated it when I had to deal with dumb ass people. Apparently, these were the best in the industry. Yet, at times I wanted to wring each and every neck within a distance of 10 meters around me.
"Uh. uh.. Sir, I have called Mr. Miles, he is just entering the building apparently. I--I will dispatch all these sir.... Umm may I leave?" Mandy stammered. MY secretary was a bundle of masses when it came to work. But she was one hell of a fuck! I really needed her right now. Oh God! What do I get myself into?
"Hei Ethan! What’s up dude?" Miles sauntered in ready for a wedding. He sounded so damn cheerful that it took all my strength to stop myself from snapping his neck into two. "Ready for the big day ? Come on man, we'll get late."
I starred at Miles. He was my best friend and lawyer. But sometimes as useless as a bloody snail. He was supposed to  have found a way around this damn marriage. But nope. I was getting married to that bastard's daughter in an hour or so. I so wanted to kill him.
Miles walked up to me and brushed my suit. He smiled and said," It's okay dude. Chill. I know you hate me right now, but I promise you, this is for the best. It will all work out as you want. Just have a little faith in me right. Now, I'm going down, why don't you finish up and follow? We need to get this sham over and done with" Whistling to himself, he walked out.
I took a deep breath, stared at the frame of my beloved Lilly, blew her a kiss, and walked out of my cabin. I never thought I would marry again, never thought that those sacred vows with Lilly would be replaced by those of someone else. 
Deep in thought, I did not realizethat I walked straight into Mandy. She held onto my collar for support and maybe some drama I think. Before I could pull back, she began sobbing into my shirt, soiling the pristine white starch.
She can be so damn irritating at times. Clingy too. I did not like this behavior and wanted to replace her. Hmmm.. maybe, now was the time, I should replace this slut. But, she was too good, flexible and ready for almost anything. I liked that about her. Wonder if my new bride could be an adequate replacement.
I pushed her away in disgust. "Please sir, one last time. Now, please," She begged biting her red lips. I really did not feel like it, but what the hell, what was the harm in a quickie right?
I tossed her on her desk and pulled her towards my legs. But I couldn't do it. I simply couldn't bring myself to touch her. I don't know why.  Sighing, I pushed her away and headed towards the elevator. It was truly time to send her on her way now. I called Mrs Colasso. My actual secretary and guide and counselor and everything. She was on leave due to some illness in her family, her grandchild and had replaced herself with this slut a few months back. Now, I wanted my secretary back.
I finished speaking to her sweet calm voice on the phone and strode towards my limo. I, Ethan Hawk am a self made man and take pride in my success. After all, it has always been me and my hard work that got me here. 
I sat back, next to Miles and we drove to court.

I stood at the steps awaiting my bride and her family while Miles went inside to sort out whatever that needed to be done. Rathore's Limo drew up beside me and him and a young lady in pearls stepped out. She was pretty but did not look young enough to be his daughter, she was a around my age I guess. Smiling at me, she put her hand forward, in the car, helping someone get out. 
Red flat shoes with gold embroidery stepped out, the person wearing it had pinkish white feet. Delicate ankles, sexy almost. She was wearing a gold anklet, somehow the combination made my blood boil. It was too damn sexy. Her ankle was followed by a red skirt. It too had gold work done on it. I stared, mesmerizedby those feet. It was followed by another and soon, a pair of legs in a red skirt stood out in front of me. I couldn't take my eyes off them.  Dainty white hands with maroon drawings on them adjusted the skirt so that her feet hid. I couldn't even see the shoes. 
My eyes followed the hands. She was wearing loads of thick gold bangles and was covered head to foot in red and gold. She looked beautiful although the voluminous thing his her figure, she looked sexy in a princess like way. I lifted my eyes to her face and was stunned to see it covered in a red veil. It blocked my view completely. I could only see a bit of her shapely neck. It too was covered in gold.
Something happened then, looking at her something shifted in me. She stood as erect as a queen but she feet and hands, even her neck looked so fragile that I wanted to protect her. Protect that bastard’s girl. whoa! She was my bride? Not bad, not bad at all.
If only I could see her face. I did not want to be tricked, knowing Rathore, tricks weren't impossible to phantom. I shifted my gaze to him. He looked sad, deep in thought. Miles came up then, placing a hand on his shoulder, he said something to him and his lawyer, Khan, I think his name is. They nodded and gestured the ladies to walk towards the courthouse.
The pretty lady in white, handed the girl in red a small statue, as she stood in front of me. We faced the judge. He made us sigh on our marriage documents and asked us to exchange rings. Her hands were soft when she slowly, almost as if unsure of herself, pushed a ring on my finger. I held her trembling hand in my huge one as I slipped her ring in her finger. It was weird but I liked her touch. Her feel felt calming.
I wanted to take off her veil. I thought, I could do so now to kiss her. As I went to unveil her, she stepped back and shook her head. "What? I can't see the woman I married?" I asked irritated. She hung her head but refused to answer, Khan spoke up instead. "It's customary that the groom does not see his wife's face before he takes her home. Please wait till then." I nodded. Why did I agree was beyond me. But, Agree I did.
She stepped forwards and bent down, almost sitting on her haunches in front of me, she touched my feet and placed that hand on her head. I starred at her. What was this? I looked at Rathore for an answer, but he was too busy wiping his wife's eyes. She got up and walked to her parent's and repeated the gesture. They each touched her head and blessed her. She then walked to Khan and he too did the same.
So, this was a way of asking for blessings? Hmm... but why mine? I would ask her later. We walked out of the court. She stood by me, silently, as I spoke to her dad. "Please sir, he said, take care of my little girl. She is my most precious jewel. Care for her." He begged as his wife nodded in agreement.
They and their lawyer then walked towards our car. Waiting for us to leave apparently. I gestured her to walk. She did. We sat in the car and they looked at us. When we drove by, the stood waving. Only then, I think, they drove home.
The silence in the car was awkward. No one knew what to say. I sat observing her. She was playing with the statue in her hand. I looked carefully at this statue. I suddenly realized that it was a baby's statue held in her hands. It was made of silver I think. Dressed in some shiny embroidered cloth, it too was decked in jewels. She held him as if he was her baby, tenderly, with love, almost reverence.
I continued to stare at her while she, oblivious to me, continued to play with him. All the way home.

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