Us?? Again?

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you people!!




Indira's POV:

"Maaaaaa" We heard a scream and ran towards its source. Hearts thumping, thoughts only oneveryone's safety.

We raced towards the inner staris and found Rudy and Caro having a yelling match. Apparently one of them had yelled in frustration. Oh Thank God! I sighed and almost smiled in relief when I noticed something weird.

I noticed Jake run ahead and envelope both of them into his arms. He was holding them as if they were made of spun glass and if he let them go, they would vanish. I watched with a keen interest as Rudy blushed and Caro appeared pissed.

Ya, I am a mordern granny and I know all these slangs. Although I don't use them, I feel one should understand them well. Well, anyways, they looked different today, content and complete. It didn't take a genius to figure out why. I know perfectly well which temple these two visited and what prayers they actually said.

Its a pretty sight when you see to people in love and lust. But a very ugly sight when everyone around them opposes to it.

He was growing on me too. I loved the way he loved my girl. The way he loved his girl.  He slapped her today. Not right for the fault wasn't hers. But I come from a place where discipline can include a tight slap. But never more. I have hit all my kids. We love them too but that doesn't mean they are allowed to behave as hooligans.

I had to get Caro to see their love. If she put her foot down, Rudy would never be with the man she loved. Ever. 

I watched as he whispered to them, as Caro calmed down, as Rudy played the perfect mother to a rebelling teen and a loving wife to a hasseled father. It was a family reunion of sorts. I liked it.

But Ethan Honey, your tests aren't over yet. You passed in all my exams, from being fed chillies to meeting prospective grooms for your wife, to even managing to convince my husband to talk to your employess. Now, you had a few more to go. Now, you had to win hearts. Hearts of those you hurt the most.

I smilled at them and left to give them privacy. Lord knows, they needed it.


Caro's POV:

I ran away after dad slapped me and mom followed. Suddenly, she grabbed my hand and I jerked it off. Suddenly fear clamped my heart and I turned to see mom slipping.

"MAAAAAAAA" I yelled as I grabbed her as tight as possible. I pulled her upright and we started bickering.

"God Ma, I could have hurt you?" I hissed.

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