Chapter 10: Ethan's POV

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Ethan's POV


No way!?

I am frozen standing in front of Aiden and Aaron's room where I had planed to re-enter but stoped when I heard the conversation that was going on inside.

No way

He did not just say that

Meaghan looked at Aiden for a moment.

"Bullshit!" She says.



He just admited that he loved someone to you and you're just calling it bullshit?

Even if I want it to be bullshit I won't say it.

Aiden lets out a sigh before laughing.


He's laughing?

"Yeah, I know," he says once he has calmed down. " I just...I just didn't want to admit that...."

That what?

"That I had feelings for...Aaron." he said looking sad.

Wait, What!?

He has feelings for Aaron!?

I am so behind

"So you thought trying to convince yourself that you had feelings for Ethan would solve it?" Meaghan asked rather bluntly.

"I wasn't trying to convince myself that I had feelings for Ethan. I just wanted you to think it was someone else so I wouldn't have to talk about Aaron." Aiden said.

"Well you are going to talk about him a lot since I," Meaghan said pointing to herself. "am going to help you."

"Ok, I have had enough of this." I said walking into the room and joining the conversation.

Both Meaghan and Aiden look surprised to see me.

"How long have you been standing there?" Aiden asked.

"Long enough to hear your fake confession, now if you would explain how I can help then I would be extremely happy." I told them.

"Ok," Meaghan said. "Than we have to start immediately. Right Ethan?" Meaghan asked a smirk taking over her face.

"Yup. Time to make a plan."


Aiden's POV

I look at my two best friends wondering why I got involved with them in the first place.

"What plan?" I asked.

"The plan that will get you and Aaron humping like a pair of bunnies." Meaghan said.

"What!?" I said scared of my life.

"Exactly, well said Meghan." Ethan stated like a proud father.

"No. Not well said. Terribly said. You guys are not gonna try to get us together. No way." I stated.

"Why not?" Meaghan asked.

"Yeah if you want to be together you have to go for it." Ethan said trying to sound incuraging.

"But I can't." I pleaded. "He is never going to be interested in me, he's as straight as a carrot."

"Come on Aiden yo- wait. Straight as a carrot?" Meaghan asked.

"At least straight as a pencil but a carrot?" Ethan added.

"Actually, I think a pencil still wouldn't work maybe a board?" Meaghan asked.

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