Chapter 12: The Worst Game Ever Made

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Aiden's POV

After that extremely awkward episode in the change rooms Aaron made it seem like nothing happened between us.

I would have done the same except I can't act for my life and whenever someone even mentioned the pool I would blush just thinking about what happened.

Luckily everyone thought it was just from remering what Ethan did in the pool.

And because of that Ethan would start blushing as well.

The interesting part was that he never blushed thinking about the performance.

Oh, no

He blushed thinking about the way Chris looked at him after the performance.

I honestly ship them so hard.

Anyways now we were all in Ethan and Chris's room talking and stuff.

We didn't have Mark Mason and Jasmine with us since they were hanging out in Jasmine's room and they didn't seem to like what we talked about.

"Hey!" Meaghan said getting everyone's attention. "Why don't we play truth or dare?"

"Really Meaghan? That's such a kids game." Aaron said.

"No it's not." Scarlett said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, let's play." Rachel said agreeing with Meaghan and Scarlett.

"OK, everyone close their eyes." Meaghan told everyone.

"Why?" Chris asked.

"So that we can have a vote that won't be influenced."

Aaron rolled his eyes but closed them anyway along with the rest of the group.

"Ok who doesn't want to play?" Meaghan asked.

I pondered on this for a moment.

"Ok who wants to play?" Meaghan asked.

I raised my hand.

Well it's just a game right?

"Ok, everyone open their eyes." Meaghan said.

Everyone opened their eyes.

"From a vote from seven out of eight we are playing Truth or Dare." Meaghan said excitedly while Aaron rolled his eyes.

Wow he does that a lot around Meaghan.

"Ok, who wants to go first?" Meaghan asked.

"Oh, Me!" Courtney yelled.

" Ethan! Truth or Dare?" Courtney asked.


"Ok describe your weirdest dream ever."

Ethan froze for a second before looking around as if to find an excuse.

"Umm..are you sure? I mean there's probably a more interesting thing to ask me." Ethan said sounding a little nervous.

"I'm sure." Courtney said. "Come on just describe it and we're done." She said.

"Well...." Ethan sighed. "The weirdest dream I've ever had was a wet dream." He confessed sighing again.

"What!?" I asked a little shocked.

All the girls gasped.

"Really!?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah so can we not talk about it?" Ethan asked now sounding a little desperate.

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