Chapter 6

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New chapter for you! Hope you enjoy!


I eagerly awaited Sunday to show Tommy the lake. With twitching fingers, I stared at the clock, waiting for it to turn 4 o'clock. About fifteen minutes before it was time I jumped up, unable to wait any longer. I began my walk to the bottom of the farm, holding myself back from a run. Too quickly I reached the bushes and sat down, knowing I was too early. Only when I was sitting there with a fast heartbeat and panting did I realise that he never actually told me if he was coming. I just assumed he would come and join me. If he could walk, that is.

I was waiting for a few moments and a sliver of doubt crept into my mind, he hadn't agreed after all. Someone clearing their throat halted my thoughts. I spun around and grinned, 'You came!'

'Well, yes. You didn't really give me much of a choice, now did you?' His teasing voice made me laugh as I stood up, brushing the dirt from my shorts. I started skipping ahead of him, inexplicable excitement rushing through me. 'Someone's happy.' He commented, his tone laced with amusement.

I chuckled and turned to face him, 'you're gonna love it!' We headed further away form the farm and reached the edge of a forest. I immediately broke into a run, unable to contain myself. 'C'mon!' I heard his laughter and footsteps follow me and I sped up, dodging round trees and roots. The lake wasn't too far into the forest, it wouldn't take long if we ran. As I bolted ahead, the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet felt homely, my hair flying behind me. I glanced back to find Tommy, only for him to suddenly rush past me.

'Race you!' He yelled, sprinting ahead of me.

I grinned, 'You don't even know where you're going!' He ignored my comment and kept running as I followed suit, slowly running out of breath. 'Turn right,' I ordered, grabbing out to clutch a tree and swinging round the trunk. We were almost there so I slowed and Tommy noticed, copying me. 'What d'ya think?' I asked as we stepped out into a small clearing. I heard Tommy gasp which made sense; the sight was breathtaking.

A small, central lake glittered in the sunlight, the clear water looked unimaginably inviting. Little flowers were dotted round the edge, splashing colour to the clearing. I grinned happily, slipping off my shoes and dipping my toes into the water. I welcomed the immediate cold with a sigh of relief, my feet and legs tingling from sprinting.

He started, 'this is just...'

'Boss?' I offered with a smile, he nodded in agreement. I watched the bottom of the lake; tiny pebbles and green plants littered the floor. I gently trailed my foot, disturbing the stillness, 'It's prettier in spring. You'll come in spring, won't you?'

He sat beside me, placing his feet alongside mine, 'Definitely.' We stayed in a comfortable silence, enjoying the calm air, the soft chirping of birds were the only sound along with our light breathing. I felt my mind wandering to the school's annual dance. Usually I wouldn't bother going to a dance when I didn't have any friends anyway. I used to think that was my fault but after finding out about my Father, I was beginning to rethink my school situation completely.

I suddenly got an idea and whirled to face Tommy, beaming, 'Do you want to come to my school's dance?' His eyes widened and my smile faltered slightly when he faced the lake again. 'Never mind, forget I asked.' I mumbled, awkwardly taking my feet out of the water and standing up, beginning to walk away.

Tommy grabbed my hand, 'No, wait.' I stared at his hand on mine, refusing to look at him with my embarrassingly red cheeks. I felt stupid for asking without even considering what he would say. 'I d-didn't mean 'no', I just...' He trailed off and stood up, letting my hand fall to my side.

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