Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 just for you, enjoy!


Crouching by the lake, I dipped a finger in and shivered as a feeling of cold swept through me. The silence was welcomed as I sat down, crossing my legs. I glanced around the forest, the bare trees free of animals and nests. My mind swirling with thoughts, I never even noticed the crunch of leaves behind me.

I suddenly snapped out of my daze at the sound of a voice, 'Hey.' I rushed to my feet and faced the intruder.

My terrified face fell when I saw Tommy, instead an angered look swept over my features as I stepped away. 'Oh, it's you.' He opened his mouth but I cut him off, snapping, 'Go away.'

His eyes were full of regret and I looked away as he spoke, his voice full of pain, 'Dani -'

'Why are you here? This is my place.' I turned away from him, unable to look at his pitiful face. I almost caved and forgave him just for the look of misery on his face. I reminded myself of what had happened at the dance and instantly my resolve hardened.

He stepped towards me, I mirrored his movement by stepping back, 'I thought this was our place?'

'Well now it's not! Leave me alone.' I snapped, whirling round and sitting on the ground, angrily picking at the bare forest floor.

'Danielle, please just hear me out.' I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off, 'No! You are listening to me.'

My eyes widened in shock as I clamped my mouth shut. He was the one who ditched me, not the other way round. Reluctantly, I spat out, 'Fine.'

'Okay, so when you was walking in front of me, those two boys were acting almost friendly. Then they asked about my family and I says I had a brother. Then suddenly they was being like Mr Perkins, they said if I didn't leave, they'd hurt him so... I had to.' He finished his ramble and took a deep breath.

I closed my mouth that had fallen open in shock before mumbling, 'They wouldn't have done anything, they're only twelve year old boys.'

'And how do I know that? To me, they could do anything and I can't do that to Miles. You would have done the same thing.'

Defensively, I bit out, 'Don't tell me what I would do. How would you know?'

A smile crossed his lips, 'We've spent the last month meeting up all the time and I've known you for over two months. You would have done the same thing.'

Folding my arms I answered, 'Alright, maybe I would have. So... How's work been?'

'Good.' He replied, sitting down with a slight wince. If I wasn't used to seeing Sammy like this, I wouldn't have even noticed the movement. But I did.

'What's wrong?' At his confused look I expanded, 'You winced when you sat down, why?'

'Mr Perkins.' His simple answer spiked my anger. I glared down at the floor, an image of Sammy bleeding and crying flashing through my mind. I shouldn't have to see that, no one should.

Without thinking, I impulsively spat out, 'I'm so tired of seeing people wince, it's infuriating!'

'What do you mean?' I only then realised I had spoken aloud and tried to pretend I hadn't heard his question. I didn't want to explain. I suppose Sammy and I wouldn't be separated now because he's eighteen, at least that's what he said, but I didn't particularly want to speak about it. Tommy repeated his question, 'Dani, what do you mean?'

My eyes flitted to his and I summoned a small smile, 'Nothing.' Tommy saw straight through my smile as he gave me a pointed look. I wilted slightly and sighed, 'My father... He hurts Sammy,' I caught his astonished gaze and immediately held up my hands, 'but it's okay! We're leaving soon!'

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