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Picture of Lydia above^!


It angered me so much that she didn't know how much she misunderstood what she saw on the day where Lydia had exited my house. Shaking my head, I threw a trophy across my large room, just missing a family portrait that was hung up on my grey walls.


"Get the door, Xavier!" my mom yelled from the kitchen as I sighed, removing myself from my comfortable bed as I sneezed once more.

"We have a butler for a reason!" I yelled back in response, throwing a pair of grey sweat pants and sweater on.

After hearing no response, I rolled my eyes and approached my door, ripping it open as I lazily descended the large flight of stairs, entering my foyer as I peeked inside the living room to see Kiki and our butler playing Barbie dolls. I smiled and shook my head in amusement as I approached the front door, ripping it open and to my surprise, my smile dissolved and was replaced with a stone cold look.

"The fuck you doing showing up at my door?" I questioned rudely, about to slam the door in front of her face until my mom appeared in the foyer, looking at me disapprovingly.

"Oh, Lydia dear!" my mom exclaimed with a fake smile on her face as Lydia shoved past me and strutted towards my mom, giving her a kiss on both cheeks.

Whilst Lydia was pecking my mom's cheeks, she gave me the 'get her out of here' look. I nodded in response, grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from my mom who exited the foyer and into the living room to check on Kiki.

"You're supposed to be at school," I said bluntly.

"I could say the same to you," Lydia replied, batting her eyelashes as I was afraid they were going to fall off.

I was about to say something when Kiki ran into the foyer, abruptly stopping at the sight of Lydia in her very short clothes as my sister's eyes widened in shock. Lydia plastered on her sweet smile and approached Kiki who was backing away slightly from the annoying clicking noise of her heels.

"Well, aren't you a cutie," Lydia stated more than questioned, using her index finger and tapped on Kiki's nose who suddenly burst out crying.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as our butler instantly hurried to Kiki, picking her up and carried her upstairs to try and calm her down. I bit the insides of my cheek from laughing as I mentally congratulated Kiki on her acting skills. I guess those acting classes came in use after all.

"Look, why don't you just go home or whatever?" I asked, grabbing her wrist and already dragging her to my front door until she ripped her wrist from my grasp.

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