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It's been several weeks since my kidnap and the recent events have been...well, eventful. My father decided to help the twins get into the academy of cops with his recommendation even though they insisted that they would get in themselves but with a bit of persuading, I managed to get them to let my dad help which I was pretty proud of. They were now living in our neighbourhood but in an apartment with the money they had saved up from their part-time jobs.

My mom was going to stay in prison for ten years and she had requested for me to not go see her which I was pretty confused and devastated over but if that was what she wanted, then I will accept her wishes since she did everything to help protect the twins and I.

As for Xavier, he has been helping out with his father with his company and I managed to get to meet both his parents, again, so I could thank them for their help in search for me. Surprisingly, Xavier's mom was thrilled to have me over and apparently, I heard that she begged Xavier to bring me home with Kiki, supporting her. Xavier's response to his mom and Kiki was that I was just going through a lot and that when I was ready to come over, I'd do so.

I owed Derek one so I took him out for lunch and I was surprised that we were still on good terms, even after I hurriedly left him at the Café his grandparents owned. He had also released the fact that Xavier and himself are damn related which kind of surprised me because they were down at each other's throats ever since I met the both of them. Derek explained what had happened between the both of them and I obviously understood, minus the jealousy, and I was also shocked at the fact that they used to be close.

Aubree and I attended school as usual and I didn't noticed but rumours were spread around like a freaking disease on why and how I went missing. Some of the rumours were absolutely ridiculous but once Xavier made an appearance at school after a few days I went back, he made sure the rumours were gone and that no one would ask me anything. Surprisingly, Xavier still had that scary vibe radiating off of him in other student's eyesights but to me, I see him now as a completely different person. Maybe because I've known him since forever.

I didn't know what Xavier and his boys did to make the rumours vanish nor do I want to know. Apparently, Carl also went to jail which kind of had Xavier's trust running on a thin line but that wasn't all. I didn't know what happened but when my dad came home one afternoon, he had told me that Carl was beaten up but cameras didn't catch a single scene which I found kind of suspicious.

"THE- MOTHERFUCKING- A," Kody shouted as he stormed out of his bedroom with a white towel hanging off his waist, his abs in display.

I watched Kody place his hands on his hips as he stomped a foot on the floor like a child.

"Yes dear brother?"

"Go inside my room," Kody demanded with a frown on his face.

"Why?" I questioned.

Kody rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm as he led me to his room. His four walls were painted a shade of dark blue with white carpet. His single bed was against the wall on the left and a study desk on his right.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I giggled.

"There's a motherfucking spider on my bed!" he exclaimed with fearful eyes.

I rolled my eyes and laughed as I approached the single bed with spiderman bed sheets. I looked down to see a fake, redback spider sitting patiently on his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles underwear. I bit my lip and stopped myself from laughing any further as I picked up the fake spider from one of his eight legs and let it dangle from my fingers.

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