Chapter 1

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My eyes flew open and I jumped, rolling off my bed and landing on the wooden floor with a loud thud.


My step moms screaming continued to get louder the longer she went without a reply.

"What!" I called back, rubbing my eyes and looking at myself in the mirror. My hair was knotted up in its messy bun, looking like a birds nest on top of my head. My brown eyes were dull and lifeless, the spark that they once held when I was younger almost diminished.

"Where's my breakfast?" My step mom, better known as Eleanor, yelled from her room, which was a floor down from mine. It really does suck to live up in the attic. There was no time to fix my hair as I exited my room and called back to her.

"I'll have it ready in a couple minutes!" I yelled, hurrying down the two flights of stairs to the kitchen to make her and my step sisters their breakfast.

I got all the ingredients out to make pancakes and quickly whipped up the batter. My alarm hadn't gone off (thank you my dear lovely stepsisters) so I was already running late as it was, and having to make breakfast for them only made it worse.

I had three stacks of pancakes ready in ten minutes, and I poured water into three cups and grabbed the tray to carry it all, heading upstairs. I knocked on my step moms room, and heard her yell, "Come in!"

I struggled to open the door and when I finally did I almost tripped over the black cat slipping out of the room. Why a werewolf would want a pet cat, I do not know. "Here you go," I sighed, placing a plate of pancakes and a glass of water on her night stand before leaving to give my stepsisters their food.

I knocked on Ariels door, balancing the tray on one hand. "Come in!" She yelled. I opened the door with my free hand and stepped in.

"I have your breakfast," I said, placing the plate and glass of water on her dresser. I exited the room quickly, heading across the hall to Daria's room. I knocked on the door, waiting for her to respond.

"What do you want?" She yelled, yanking open the door. "Oh finally, I'm starving," she snarled, grabbing the plate and the glass of water. She grabbed the drink so fast that it splashed all over her front side, and a shriek followed it.

"Look what you did!" She screamed.

"I didn't do anything," I said, turning my back an walking away. I hurried downstairs and back into the kitchen to make myself a plate of and pancakes, and started to clean up while it was cooking.

The house that my I lived in had belonged to my parents before my mom had died. My dad had married Eleanor four years later, and her and her twin daughters moved in with us. Ariel and Daria were always mean to me, but I never told my dad because he was so happy with Eleanor. Then, right after I turned eight, there was a rogue attack and my dad had died that night. The second we got back to the house I was told to move all my things up to the attic. My bedroom was turned into a personal spa, and I was never allowed in it. Not that that meant anything. They didn't know that I snuck in while they were gone.

I grabbed a glass of water for myself and quickly ate my breakfast. I washed my dishes and hurried up the two flights of stairs to my room to get ready for school. I had a big final in my first period class and I couldn't be late for it. I had today and tomorrow left, then I just had to try and survive the summer before I was off to college. I had gotten into Harvard, which was my dream school and also the college that my mother had gone too. My dad, the beta of the pack, had found her right before she was suppose to go off to college. She loved him but she wouldn't give up Harvard and somehow, they made it work over the next four years.

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