Chapter 5

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"I'm his mate, I just know it!" Daria squealed.

"No, it's me. We're the perfect match!" Ariel said loudly.

The two of them were getting ready to go and meet with Noah. He had issued an announcement throughout the pack the day after the ball saying he had met his mate, and he wanted to find her. Every unmated female was one hundred percent sure that it was them, but I knew it was me.

Every free moment I had, I was remembering the ball. The touch of Noah's lips on mine was engraved into my mind, but I still couldn't get enough of them. I wanted to step forward, so badly, but pissing of Eleanor is the last thing I want to do. If she found out that Noah was my mate, and not Daria's or Ariel's, she would react beyond irrational.

Parker kept trying to convince me that I just move out before they found out, and then I wouldn't have to put up with them anymore, but I kept turning it down. Even though Eleanor, Daria, and Ariel were a horrible family, they were still technically my family. And I didn't want to move out of this house, at least not yet. This was my parents house, and so grew up in it.

I was up in my room at the moment, putting away my clean clothes. Normally, under different circumstances, Parker would be sprawled out on my bed annoying me to death, but he was spending the day with Karina. He was doing a good jibe balancing his time between us, and sometimes it would be both of us. The day after the ball, he had brought her over and we explained everything to her. After that, we just clicked and we're already close friends despite barely knowing each other for a week.

I hung up the last shirt and plopped down on my bed, a loud sigh escaping my lips. Ariel and Daria were practically screaming at each other now, and I felt like my head was going to explode.

"NO! NOAH AND I WERE DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER! YOU CAN BE THE BETA!" One of them screamed. When their voices were this high pitched, it was impossible to tell who was who. I wanted to go down there and tell them to shut up and that Noah was actually my mate, but the after results would be horrible for me. I was getting so worked up about them claiming that he was their mate. I knew that part of it was my wolf, but there was a small part of anger in there that was all me. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and played the lullaby album my parents played for me when I was a baby.

The soft piano music calmed me down, and I focused on my breathing patterns to be in rhythm with the music. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.


A pounding on my door woke me up. I opened my eyes and my room was dark. Who the hell would be pounding on my bedroom door this late? "Elizabeth! Wake up!" Oh. Eleanor.

I crawled out of bed and went to open my bedroom door. "I'm leaving for the weekend. Daria and Ariel are at the pack house for the weekend. I want you to clean the house while I'm gone. Understood," she said, her voice strict and sounding bored. I nodded, too tired to fully process what she was saying. "Good. Don't throw any party's while I'm gone." I almost asked her who I would ever throw a party with but though better of it, and instead closed the door and curled back up in my bed.

The next morning, Parker and Karina let themselves in to the house and made breakfast for me before I was even awake. They actually did wake me how with a tray piled high wit pancakes and sausages and eggs and waffles and a tall glass of apple juice.

"What is this?" I asked, sitting up and letting them out the tray in front of me.

"You're breakfast. We decided that we're going to do everything for you today, to give you a day off," Karina said. The tone she used meant that arguing would be useless, so I accepted it gratefully.

The Alpha's CinderellaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora