What they want, what we need (chapter 21)

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Casey's POV

I held onto the back seat of Daryl's motorcycle as we drove.  It was just Rick, Hershel, Daryl, and I.  We were told to meet the Governor to sort things out.  Which probably won't end up well.

I looked around as the wind blew in my face making me squint.  Just trees and dirt was all the eye could see.  Until a barn came into view where we were meeting the Governor.

Daryl parked his motorcycle and I got off feeling my belt to make sure my gun and whip were still there, which they are. Rick got out of his car while Hershel stayed in with a gun out the window.

"Stay here, don't come in unless you here gun shots." Rick said going inside the barn.

Daryl and I looked around.  His crossbow was up to his face ready to kill anything that passed by.  I kept my hand by my whip just incase something came by me.  Daryl went up to a window by the barn and looked in.

"Governor is already inside." He said.

Hershel pulled up in the car and Daryl told him to keep it running, something isn't right.  That's when I heard a car coming our way.  I quickly pulled out my whip and let it dangle by my side.

The car came into view and it parked right in front of us.  Andrea, a man with glasses, and the man who I remember from that night in Woodbury got out. The man was the one who put me face to face with a walker and I told him to go to Hell.

"Looks like you brought your little freak weapon." He said.

My eyes went red and I stepped forward balling up my fist, but I was stopped by Daryl. He held me back as I cursed and the man who backed up.

"Shut up Martinez." Andrea said crossing her arms.

"How come your guy is already in there?" Daryl asked.

"What?" Andrea asked walking over to the barn and going inside.

I leaned against our car and glared at the Martinez guy. We stood there in silence for a few minutes then Andrea came out looking angry.

"They want to talk alone." She said in an annoyed tone.

I saw some walkers coming our way. I gripped my whip and followed Daryl over there with Andrea and Martinez. The guys started showing off there weapons.

"You go first." Daryl said.

"No you." Martinez said.

"Come on, move out of the way." Andrea said taking her pocket knife and killing one walker.

"Pussy." Martinez mumbled taking his bat a swinging it into a walkers head, then another.

I rolled my eyes and watched them show off. Daryl shot one then another and I walked to the back. There was one walker left and as thy fought over who was going to kill it so I stepped up. I slashed my whip into its neck and its head fell off as a crack filled the silence. They just stared at me angrily. I shrugged and walked back to the car standing next to Hershel.

"It's been long enough in going in." Daryl said.

"No one is supposed to go in." The man with glasses said.

"And who are you?" Daryl asked.

"Milton." He replied.

"Oh so the Governor has a butler." Daryl said as Martinez laughed.

"No I'm his adviser." He replied.

"What do you advise about?" I asked.

"The town, the biters, I don't think I need to explain myself to you people." He said writing something down.

"What are you doing?" Hershel asked looking at the note pad.

"Recording, some day this will be history and I think it should be recorded." He replied.

The next few minutes were silent. But I kept noticing Milton looking at me and writing things down.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked.

"Me, no, I find you fascinating. From that horrible night at Woodbury I took in interest in your, powers." He replied.

"My powers?" I asked.

"Yes, the red eyes, monstrous voice, super strength, the spit." He replied.

"And my blood and tears." I added.

"What about your blood and tears?" He asked.

"My blood fresh from a wound attracts walkers and my tears are like acid." I replied as he wrote more things down.

"Were you created or born like that?" He asked.

"I don't know really, the last thing I remember before the apocalypse was being with my family eating dinner outside. Then everything is just blank." I replied, and I realized I've never told anyone much about my past that I don't even remember.

"Fascinating." He mumbled.

Daryl and Martinez walked off near the dead walkers and Hershel and Milton went to go sit down. I sat by Andrea who was looking worried.

"So, how's everything been going at the prison?" She asked.

"Good I guess, we found... never mind." I said.

"Found what?" She asked.

"Well I don't really know who's side your on, I don't want to give away anything." I said.

"I don't know which side I'm on either but I know you can trust me." She said.

"We found weapons, and a lot of them." I said.

"From where?" She asked.

"We found a man that was one of Ricks old friends. He was alone and had hundreds of guns that he got from a police station." I replied.

"Oh nice." She replied.

"Can I ask you something? Why didn't you do it, why didn't you kill the Governor when you could?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Remember what Carol told you to do, he's still here, why?" I asked.

"I couldn't do it, I'm in love with him." She said.

Hershel came over to us and rested against the wall.

"Hershel, what happened to Maggie?" She asked.

"The Governor is a sick man." Hershel said with a frown. Andrea put her head in her hands and groaned as Hershel walked away.

"What happened to her?" She asked.

"He almost raped her. When we found her she had Glenn's shirt on. Before she had Glenn's shirt she naked from the waist up." I said.

"He wouldn't, he couldn't." She said.

"It almost happened." I said.

The doors slid opened and the Governor came out with a smile. Then Rick followed behind him unhappy.

"I'm tired of this place I hope people change." He mumbled getting into the car.

Back at the prison Rick told us his deal that they would settle in two days. They wanted the prison and us out of it or dead.

What they want is war, what we need is peace.

Hello Immunies I am back!!! Sorry I haven't updated in forever school just ended a few days ago and I have been really busy! I hope all of you are having a great beginning of summer! The song is Fools by Troye Sivan. I hope you guys have a great rest of the day!

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