As long as you're happy

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Trying to move on, reassure yourself...

As long as you're happy,

I'll take a step back,

Distance myself,

Because you might not be with me,

But that doesn't change anything about how much I care for you,

And want you to be happy,

I really do mean that,

I tore your heart in two once,

Never again,

It hurt me too,

More than I thought it would,

I had my reasons though,

I'll let you be with her,

I have no right to say no,

No right to not let you,

Seeing you with her though it tears me apart every time,

I won't ever get used to it,

But I'll mask my emotions,

Just like I'm used to,

I'll continue to smile at you,

Even though down below I'm so jealous,

And angry for letting you go,

Leaving you to move on,

When I should have move on first,

But I couldn't,

I can't,

Because you mean too much to me,

And more than I thought you would,

Even after everything,

And even after all this time,

I think I still love you,

I don't know if I will forever,

But I can't get past you,

For you happiness though,

I'll hide how much I miss you,

How much I need you,

And how much I need you back,

Because I know I'm not worth as much as her to you anymore,

I once did,

But no longer. 

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