Were Mine

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First of all, again I'm so sorry for the really late update, my laptop died and took about a week to work again, so that's one thing and I've got so caught up with exams and schoolwork, so sorry.

I know the past's in the past, but everyone wishes they could have done something differently, if I had, where would I be today?

I wish you were mine,

I look at you with pain in my eyes,

Because I know you never will be,

We once had something, 

But that was then,

And whatever it was,

It's now only one way,

No longer two ways,

I'm the one who feels like this,

The one that's stuck,

Going round and round,

Trying to move on,

Get past you,

Get on with my life,

But I don't seem to be able to,

Maybe I never will,

Or maybe I will one day,

That day is not today,

That day is neither tomorrow,

For all I know it could be next week,

Next month,


For now I'm going to keep trying,

I'm going to have to do the impossible,

The hardest thing,

To not just get past you,

But I might have to forget you to get over you,

I want to be friends,

We are now,

But it's hard for me,

I miss the way we were,

The way I felt safe with you,

Got butterflies when you were near,

Got excited when I knew I'd be seeing you,

You've moved on,

We're finished,



I've accepted that,

But I can't move on,

I'm stuck back here,

I need to move on, 

So this could be goodbye,

Tou our something,

Our friendship,

Our past,


Welcome to my life and my thoughts. Poems.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα