Chapter 3

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The bright afternoon sun streams in through the window, alerting me of the time that's passed.
Lifting my head i glance next to me where Kyle should be, the seat is cold and empty; he must've left a few hours ago, but i smile at the fleecy blanket he's placed on top of me. I sigh why couldn't he be my mate.

"Because our mate will be better than Kyle" Emma says

Sure sure, I mutter to myself, noticing how it is only now that she decides to speak up.

Lifting the blanket off, I stretch my relaxed muscles, now would be the perfect time to go for a run.
Exiting the house I transform into my wolf, Emma was  pure white quite a rare colour. The majority of the wolves had a brown coat, my brothers did so did my Dad, but I inherited the beautiful silk white colour from my Mum.

Being in my wolf form all my senses were enhanced, everything became clearer and my favourite part was that I was able to see further into the distance.

Where are we heading Emma says excitedly, as I begin to sprint through the forest creating my own path.

Compared to other wolves Emma and I had a very good relationship but I was beginning to become concerned that the mate issue would place a strain on this relationship.
She didn't care who we had a mate, she just wanted him right now. I just wanted my freedom and independence to last for a little longer, another year would be nice, but deep inside i knew that my freedom would be curtailed sooner than i wanted.

The afternoon was always my favourite time to go running, the forrest was devoid of all wolves, my Dad, the Alpha had warned all the female pack members that it was too dangerous and unsafe to go at night; in case there was ever a rogue that slipped through our carefully guarded perimeter.

Naturally everyone listened to him, but it wasn't an alpha command and the guards didn't arrive at the perimeter until later so i had the whole forest to myself, this made Emma and I extremely happy.

Dad, my brothers and Kyle always assumed that I was in the dining hall eating dinner, resulting in most nights sneaking food into my room, but the empty forrest was always worth it.

The setting sun shone brightly through the tree's, in its final attempt to provide light. Relinquish control over my body, I  happily allow Emma to take control. She darts in and out of the tree's pushing herself to the maximum speed.

Emma slows down as she nears the small pond full of water and I use this moment to take back control of my wolf-form.
Drinking from the water, it quickly replenishes my energy and I'm eager to run again.

Glancing up the sky, I'm shocked at how much time has passed. The sky is sprinkled with tiny stars scattered across the horizon. Sighing, as much as I wanted to run, I knew that i needed to head back to the pack, my Dad and over-protective brothers will be fuming if they discovered, i spent my evening's running through the forest.

When my Mum was killed by rogues a few years ago,  Dad fell into a state of depression. The first few months were the worst,  he sat frozen in his room blaming himself entirely for her death.
Andrew was fourteen at the moment and was forced to take on the alpha responsibilities as Dad slowly recovered, those months were the worst of my entire life.
After Dad healed, he promised that he would protect me to the best of his ability, which is why he had guards patrolling the outskirts of the pack every night.

As I slowly head back I come across the irresistible smell of vanilla and a smell of fresh rain. Deciding to follow the scent which leads me away from the pack house and towards a small clearing east of the village

The delicious scents become stronger and by the time I enter the clearing its overpowering.
The moon provides ample light to scout the clearing and my eyes fall upon two pitch black wolves in the distance.

"THERE'S OUR MATES" Emma screams in my head and a stream of panic instantly washes over me, with their pitch black coats and large form, it suddenly dawns on me that these were the two twin alpha's.
Taking a breath to calm my racing heart and stop my panicking, i try to think of an escape plan but everything ends with the pack slaughtered as a result.

Slowly taking a step back, my first plan of action was to head quietly back to the safety of the pack without being seen
"What are you doing, their our mates. Run to them" Emma yells but i ignore her, concentrating on the task at hand. Emma continues her endless rant of screaming at me that i eventually feel a small headache forming at the back of my mind.

I begin to think as i near the forrest, why would the moon goddess pair me with these two alpha twins? Why would she be so cruel? I hadn't done anything to deserve them.

My paws accidentally step on a twig, snapping it immediately and alerting the attention of the twin alpha's.
I'm frozen in place as they turn towards me, meeting my gaze.  Emma howls with joy as she tries to connect with their wolves but I wasn't going to let that happen.

With a burst of unknown speed I turn around and race back to the pack, I was the daughter of the alpha with this head start I should be able to easily outrun them, but I heard the lie in my words.

I'm halfway to the pack house, my safe haven, when my ears prick up at the sound of oncoming paws.
I try desperately to run faster but my efforts are futile.
The scent of fresh rain collides with me as one of the alpha's leap onto my back flipping me over. His eyes are pitch black indicating that his wolf is entirely in control.

"You're mine" he growls possessively but I refuse to look at him showing a clear sign of disrespect. Maybe they would reject me i think, hope momentarily fills me at the thought. Maybe they would find another attractive female who desperately wants to become Luna.
Emma begins whining melancholically inside my head at my thoughts but i continue to ignore her. I didn't want the responsibility of being Luna.

At my clear disrespect the Alpha applies pressure on my paws and a wince escape my throat as I bare my neck in submission.
He quickly releases me, stepping off me.  I get up but i continue to remain in a submissive position with my head bowed.

Years ago, I heard a  rumour that the Alpha's were old fashioned, apparently they strongly believed that their Luna was beneath them, not equal in status. If this rumour was true, i wouldn't survive being their mate.

"Shift" The other alpha orders watching me with scrutiny. The one that smells like vanilla continue talking, "Go behind a tree, I'll find you a shirt"

Walking behind the tree, I sneak a look at the alpha's shifting, in their human they're are gloriously beautiful,  both have ripped stomachs and strong muscular arms.
They begin searching the tree's for clothing. It was customary for each pack to place clothing in the trunks of the tree's, for when we shifted.
Taking another glance, Emma begins to speak up
"Their ours" she coaxes and I can imagine her licking her lips
"Please give them a chance"
"I'm sorry....I just can't"
My apology lands on deaf ears, but I can't get roped into this lifestyle, the position of Luna frightens me and I don't want to be restrained by the two dominating alpha's.
I want the chance to roam the woods freely without the presence of my mates or guards.

Using this sacred opportunity as the alpha's are distracted searching for a shirt, I take a dress hidden in the tree trunk and shift back into a wolf.
I grip the dress between my teeth as i sprint back towards the pack house.

Reaching the door, I prick my ears and hear the two alpha's in the forrest, still searching for some clothes.
I had a few seconds to spare, i needed to escape, Kyle's words come back to me from this morning, "They wouldn't dare attack the pack, not when the pack members are their mate's family"

Quickly shifting, i place the dress on and storm through the front door. I'm surprised to see my brothers and Kyle crowded around the table.
"We've got a plan to get you out of the pack before the alpha's arrive" Kyle says proudly
"There here and they're my mates, I'm getting my stuff and leaving" I state as their eyes go wide with shock.
"Shit" my brothers say in unison

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