Chapter 30

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Author's note

Sorry it's a bit short


Chapter 30

"Where are they" my attacker hisses pressing the knife deeper into skin. I wince feeling the warm red liquid drip onto the forest floor, coating the leaves in a vibrant scarlet.

"Are they coming" I nervously ask Emma. Surely I mean enough to them that they'd come and save me

She doesn't respond.

"What do you want from the Alpha's" I rasp barely able to spit my words out.

The person who I assume to be the leader of the group surveys the tree's before turning to face me.

"If the Alpha's want you to remain further unscathed then they'll need to denounce and reject their Alpha title and hand over the pack to us"

I stare at the leader waiting for the punch line of this joke, but he continues to stare back at me fully stoic.

"Expect disappointment, the Alpha's aren't going to give up their pack and their position"

"For you they will"

I scoff, but quickly regret it when I feel more blood drip to the floor.

"You've got the wrong person. Maybe you should try kidnapping the girl they're kissing right now"

My words do more damage than good, the leader storms up to me, his face contorted in fury as he stops two breaths away from me.

"Don't mess with me girlie" he grits squeezing my wrist until the point of bruising. "You might not be the most attractive creature, but the Alpha's wouldn't betray you with another girl"

Your wrong I want to scream at him, venting out my frustrations. I thought the Alpha's would stay loyal to me but they're actually narcissistic, self-loving bastards who care very little about me.

"Emma" I ask again "Are they coming"

"They should be" she responds her voice wavering slightly. "Their wolves said they were on their way"

Her words do little to calm my nerves, even if they do come and rescue me, all I'll be doing is falling into another problem.

"What's taking them so bloody lo......."

The sound of a gun being fired reverberates through the forest shaking the tree's slightly . A scream escapes my mouth as I hear the bullet find its target.

The pain at my neck lessens as I see the knife fall to the ground in front of me. Turning around, I watch as the guy collapses to the ground, blood steadily seeping out of the wound.

My eyes go wide as I stare at the two other attackers, my fight and flight response quickly awakens as I grab the knife from the ground still wet with my blood and sprint left, placing as much distance between me and my attackers.

"Shit" I hear one of them mutter, but I don't look back.

The safest place for me to go to my regret was the pack house.

Jake's POV

"Call for back up" I mind-link Connor as we crouch behind some bushes. The thick tangle of leaves covering our bodies and hopefully our smell.

I watch hopelessly as they press the knife deeper against Flicker's skin, drawing drops of blood. My body shakes with anger as I clench my fists so tightly my knuckles turn white.

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