Author's Request

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Hey Everybody.

Please Read this

How are you? You guys must be wondering why the sudden. Well i'm here to peg and pled.

What i've noticed is that i have a lot and i mean alot of ghost readers and because of this i'm not getting as many votes as i'd wish. i'm getting 20 votes per chapter and like 150 reads. Guys please vote.

Without votes, this book can't make it anywhere. It's the amount of votes a book have makes it get attention. Yes, i know this need some major editing but I stills needs votes.

When you vote i see that you are liking my book and since i'm seeing so many reads i guess some of you do. So please vote. I apprecaite  ever single vote and comment you make on my book.  I read all the comments and i'm happy to see when you guys tell me to "Update soon." But what i'd love to have are votes.

I was reading a book this morning, the book had extremly bad grammar and pronication and it had less than three hundred words. It's the typical cliche billionaire book but that book have 73 votes and i was amazed. Even though it was a complete mess it had votes. Why don't i have that?

A schoolmate of mine told that she only read books that have a million votes. I know i won't acheive that at least not now. This is my first Romance book but if i get response from this the ones i'm crurently writing will get even more. So please help me.

There was also a time i was wondering why i've continued this book? But i realized that i have a handful of faithful readers and commenters that make me happy. Thanks guys.

I realized also that persons have stop read my book as soon as i finish read their books. I receive many messages on a daily basis to check out works but no one is willing to do the same for me. I've teamed up with my sister and created a book club which will help me to improve the chapters so when the book is edited it will be greater than it is.

I've noticed some writers on wattpad have a vote limit. The author of Match Made in Hell, she does that. She doesn't update until she gets a like 5k votes. i'm not asking that of your guys because i know it's impossible but i just want you guys to give me some votes. If you think i deserve it. 

Another thing i'd like to say is that you guys have approximately 15 chapters left. I haven't written them as yet but i think it's good to end at 65. Don't you think? At end too there will always be extras that you'll love and enjoy but i don't want too say to much.

I know what i just wrote have many spell errors but since i'm using wattpad they don't have a spell check so sorry for the bad grammar.

Anyways continue to the next page for Chapter 52 enjoy!



Mistaken Identity (Old Version) ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt