Ch.1 Broken

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My first Liv and Maddie fanfic, I hope you guys enjoy!

It's been 2 days since Skyvolt, the superhero, the high school cheerleader, and the girl of his dreams passed away. With her gone, Garrison didn't know what to do anymore. If it wasn't for Zaydock, Tess wouldn't of sacrifice herself to save him, to give her powers to him, she would've been alive today. But now that she's gone, Garrison felt broken.

Now in the clock tower, where he and Tess had their hideout, Garrison sat at a table and looked at a bracelet, a bracelet with different colored beads and a lighting bolt charm. It belonged to Tess, she left it in the clock tower before she and Garrison went to the ice caves, the same night she died. It was the only thing he had left of her, and seeing it reminds him of the amazing and beautiful girl who died for him. He was still in shock by what she did, she gave up her powers to save him, she gave up her life for him, and even though she was a hero, Garrison wished that she wouldn't of done it.

After a moment, Garrison looked up at the bulletin board where he saw a picture of Zaydock, knowing that he was the guy who cost Tess her life, he picked up a pen and threw it at the picture as hard as he could as the pen went straight through Zaydock's eye. Even though it got his anger out, he still wasn't better. When he looked at Zaydock's picture again, he could feel the anger coming up again, he clenched his fists as he felt his blood boil. But as he was doing so, lightning bolts started to fizz around him, realizing what was happening, Garrison tried to calm himself, but that didn't stop a lightning bolt to shoot out and into the wall as he began to bounce around the room. Garrison covered his head as the bolt hit the bulletin board and came to a stop. He opened his eyes and saw that the bulletin board was now destroyed.

Remembering that Tess passed her powers to him, Garrison was now the new Skyvolt, he was the new superhero. But he didn't know how to control his new powers, yesterday, he accidentally set a bush on fire. But he didn't know how to be a superhero, he was just a sidekick for Tess, he doesn't know anything about being a hero who saves the world, Tess was the one who saved the world, she is the real Skyvolt, or at least was. But with her gone, Garrison felt hopeless, with the girl who loves gone, and new powers he can't control, he didn't know what to day anymore, he was hurt, broken, lonely.

Garrison then looked at Tess's bracelet again, he felt his heart ache from the pain of her gone. His heart hurt so bad that he felt a tear drip down his cheek. All he wants is Tess back, he would do anything to bring her back, but with no idea what to do, it seemed impossible.

He looked at the time on his phone; 11:30 pm. It was already late, but he didn't care, instead, he decided to go to the ice caves where Tess's body was. So he went to the ice caves where he went in and saw Tess's body laying in a glass coffin, he went up to the coffin and looked at Tess through the glass. Even though it wasn't really freezing in the ice caves, Tess's body still looked fresh. Garrison looked at her and remembered the times they spent together, whether it was for saving the world or just hanging out, he had a lot of fun with her. She was still wearing her superhero outfit, it was now covered in ashes from when she electrocuted Zaydock to his death, and even though Zaydock was finally gone, Garrison felt he wasn't safe.

He continued to look at Tess some more, remembering that before her death, she promised that if she could save the world from Zaydock, she would go an a date with him. But now, Garrison knew that the promise was broken, he knew that he will never be able to date her, he knew that he will never have a chance with her. And the more he looked at her, the more his heart started to ache again from sadness and anger as he felt lightning bolts fizz around him. Realizing what was happening, Garrison tried to control his powers, but some bolts shot out from him and into the ice causing some to collapse. He then figured that he wasn't safe around Tess, worried that he might shoot out a bolt at her coffin destroying it and her, so he backed away from the coffin, trying hard not to feel emotional fearing that his powers will go out of control again. He took one last glance at Tess before leaving the ice caves.

Now walking down the lit up streets, Garrison went down the empty sidewalk as he kept on thinking about Tess, but the more he thought about her, the more he felt his emotions rise as a slight spark appeared on him. He kept trying to control it, but the more he does, the more it reminds him of Tess. Knowing that he wasn't safe outside, Garrison hurried back to the clock tower where he ran up and into the hideout. At that point he decided to let his emotions out, he fell to his knees and hands as lightning bolts started to spark around him. He continued to think about Tess as his sadness and anger rose up as more lightning bolts appeared. But realizing what he was doing could destroy the hideout, Garrison tried to calm himself, but as always, a bolt shot out and into chair in the corner destroying it.

Now calm, Garrison decided the best thing to do was to let his sadness out, fearing that his anger would cause his powers to go out of control. So he got up and went to the table and sat down. He spotted Tess's bracelet across from him, he reached out and took it. And as he looked at it, he felt tears roll down his cheek as his heart ache some more. He sniffed as he buried his face into his arms on the table, while still clutching the bracelet. Without Tess, he was broken.

What do you guys think so far? I have to honest, I almost cried while writing this, poor Garrison :( More coming soon

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