Chapter 12

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Please ignore weird typos and grammatical errors!

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Jessica Summers

Shower is so soothing, it always calms and relaxes my body and mind. It was Sunday today, meaning I'm just gonna sit and relax the whole day but only after cleaning my room and laundering my clothes.

Yesterday, I loved the time I spent at Mary's house, I had such a lovely time with them. I wish my parents were here today. We used to enjoy our weekends very much even though it was nothing other than cooking something fancy and watching some movie. Those days... I shook off those memories not wanting to go too far into those memories and turned off the shower. Walking out of the bathroom I went straight to the closet and pulled out a denim shorts and a black tank top. Pat drying my hair, I made my way to the living room and sat in front of the TV, changing the channels until I found Vampire Diaries. When the commercials came I got up to get something to eat from the kitchen.

I was going to the kitchen when I heard doorbell ring. Who can it be? I took my time walking to the door, but hurried when it rang non stop. I opened the door and it was Dean, standing with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Hey?" I was surprised to see him.

"Hi. What are you doing today?" he asked.

"Nothing much, just cleaning and laundering. Why?" I frowned and leaned on the door frame, folding my hands below my breasts.

"Okay then, let's go." he caught hold of my hand pulled me out of my apartment after closing the door.

"What? Dean, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?" I tried to stop him with all the strength in me. God, why was he so strong?

"We are going to my place to discuss about the cruise party which Mr & Mrs Herman invited us for." he stopped.

The cruise thing was off my mind. How could it slip my mind? "We can do it here in my apartment too."

"But I forgot to get the invitation and the envelop here. So we're going to my place."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "At least let me wear something decent and come out?"

He checked me from top to bottom before saying, "You look fine." he pulled me into the elevator and then to his car. I greeted Alex and climbed in.

Once we reached his penthouse, he went to his office room while I sat on the long couch in the living room.

He came out with a what looked like a brochure booklet in his hand. Sitting next to me he started reading it. His jaw clenched at something and his face turned hard but soon he covered his expression and looked at me.

"It is a five days trip. And we'll be visiting two countries; Italy and Spain." he informed me while still looking in the brochure.

I couldn't believe my luck or whatever it was. For the first time ever I would be going on cruise and to Italy and Spain. Was this for real? I so badly wanted to hug Dean and thank him but I suppressed my excitement.

"First two days will be spent in Italy and the third day will be only cruising and the last two days in Spain."

"Oh my God, it's going to be fun. I have never visited any of those countries." I couldn't contain my excitement anymore.

"Sure, it's going to be more than fun." he muttered. "And Jess, remember you are my girlfriend. We will have to act as if we are in love and all the crap. You got it?" he said with the smirk on his face. His eyes held, what I felt was mischief which I saw for the first time as he always tried to hide his feelings. May be as Tasha said I'll try and get to know him more and about his past during these days. Yes, this is a good chance.

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