Chapter One

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"April hold up!"I call out seeing my friend,April running off.Sighing trying to catch up to her,jumping over a barrel.I land on my feet catching up next to April

"Mr.Rivetti.Mr.Revetti please.."She calls out catching Mr.Rivetti attention,walking next to her as he looks at both of us

"You're the most persistent human.Ive ever met in my life,I swear.Look,I already told the cops everything,alright?"He explains walking away but we follow,nodding since this is about the scene.The one that happened last night I believe,I don't usually pay attention.All I care about is my training,while April is the journalists

"But maybe there's a detail you could've forgotten to share with the police.."She suggest getting her notepad ready while Mr.Rivetti shakes his head

"Sweetheart,you don't forget something like that.Ten guys storm in here,broad daylight,force us to the ground at gunpoint.And these are restricted chemicals.Benzyl cyanide and some deaminating agents too.You don't just buy this stuff,even on the black markets.."He explains while I nod seeing April writing all this down.She points her red pen towards him looking over her notes

"Wait,you said deaminating agents,those are used in genetic research.Is there anybody else that's trafficking these sort of chemicals besides you?"She ask,while be pout a off the distance

"There's one other high security facility along this waterfront."He explains while I sigh

"There you got your a---"I was cut off by him continuing

"But they don't move nearly as much cargo as we do."He finishes,April nods

"O'Neil!(L/N)!We're live in 30 minutes!Come on!"I hear Vernon remind while I cross my arms

"Why did I even agree to this..."I mumble to myself while April stops Me.Rivetti from walking further

",no,no,I'll be right back.Please don't go anywhere.Ill be right back."April says while I grab her arm pulling her to Vernon.He sighs in relief standing up straight while I smile a bit

"Come on,you're killing me."Vernon says

"She's working,give her a break Vernon..."I say back while letting go of April arm.

"That's a paying job?"He ask while I shake my head


"Because we have an actual paying job.Look,you don't think that every crime reporter in the city has been trying to work this Foot Clan story?"He ask while April steps forward.Vernon opens the door hopping inside

"I know that,but there is a new angle on this,and I am this close to getting it."She says making a hand pose,while I sigh

"I just need a couple of more--"April turns back seeing Mr.Rivetti gone while she stops at her tracks

"He's gone April..lets just stick to what we're good at"I say holding her shoulder,she walks away while I bite my lip

"Let's stick to what we're good at.We're good at it."I say hopping in the back,Vernon closes his door while April takes the passenger seat.I hold on to both the seats due to there not being any back seats

"Let's go..."


"In five...four---"Vernon continues with his hands,lowering each finger while April gets ready.I stand next to Vernon giving April a thumbs up,a smile plaster on my face

"Hi,guys,this is April O'Neil from Channel 6 News and I am here in beautiful New York City on the first day.And you know what that means...It is time to shed that pesky winter weight.And here with me today is celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak.Hi Harley.."April greets handing him the microphone,he leans towards it as I nudge Vernon slightly smirking

"Good morning April."Harley greets back turning to the camera,I intertwine my fingers together smiling widely

"Twenty years I've studied the animal kingdom.There are fat pigs,there are fat cows.There are no fat birds.Alright,I want you to visualize a sexy seagull."Harley says walking up to mini trampoline,April hips on one pointing to an empty one next to her.She points me later on while I shrug going on top of the empty one

"So we're going to squat down and flap your wings.Right over there.Full extension."He demonstrates,I copy his move me at so does April.She was facing the camera while I kept looking at Harley

"Picture you're leaving that cold north and you're flying.You're migrating."


"Four years of journalism school so that I can do that.."April says grabbing her jacket,I take a sip of my water bottle smiling a bit

"It was fun.."I state

"It was embarrassing.."April 'corrects' me,I shrug seeing Vernon putting away the camera equipment

"But seriously!Four years of my life you's embarrassing.."April says once more,putting on her yellow leather jacket.I smile a bit handing her my bottle,she opens the lid taking a sip handing it back to me.Twisting the lid close seeing Vernon folding the tripod

"Look,O'Neil,I get it,you want to be a serious journalist.I see you sniffing around the newsroom for the big stories."Vernon starts off glancing at me

"But it's also okay to just give people something a little lighter.A little..little froth."I finish for him,pulling her shoulder.April glances at me with a smile


"You know,how...when you get a coffee,it's just,like,coffee,then they put a little froth on it.Its kind of nice."I explains

"(Y/N),that's foam."She shoves my hand away smiling,I shrug

"Yes,foam, get the point April..."I say,she giggles lightly while I nudge Vernon

"Its's nice,it taste good,it's candy.You ever heard the expression,"Never take candy from a baby"?Its because even babies love candy!Its nice.And you're giving people soothing they like that's good and nice.They look at you and they see,"Wow,there's a nice..there's...candy""He rambles on while I cover his mouth

"The point is,we think that you should be rewarded,not punishing yourself.Okay?And I'm..I'm prepared to reward you."

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