Chapter Five

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"Ladies,hello..I apologize.My colleague here forgot to say 'please'.So.."The blue speaks up,I do the same thing to April pushing her behind me.

"Would you please hand over the camera?"He ask while we were backing away,hearing a thud behind me seeing an orange one this time.We gasp a bit while he raises his hand

"No,no,no,no.Whoa.Whoa.Chill.Its just a mask.See?"-He points to the orange part-"Don't freak out."He says untying his mask taking it off,April faints as I catch her merely.

"April!"I call out shaking her slightly,before being surrounded by the rest.I close my eyes,feeling tired already.

"April.."I say with a yawn before falling to the ground,sleeping against the cold hard floor


I open my eyes,rubbing them seeing the turtles surrounding one part of the floor.I stand up,slowly walking to them before tripping slightly.They all turn their heads towards me,looking through them seeing April on a the floor

"April!"I yell out running up to her,snapping my fingers while she slowly opens her eyes

"April?Can you hear me?Do you know what city you're in?Do know where you are?"I ask as she sits up,I hug her instantly

"Hey,have you seen the video where the cat plays chopsticks with chopsticks?"We hear one of them ask

"Can we focus here?"Another says,I let go of April standing in front of her

"Guys please!Come on,give them some air."The purple on speaks up while I look at all four of them

"What are you?"I ask

"Well,Miss,uh we're ninjas."The blue one spoke up

"We're mutants."The red adds in

"Well technically we're turtles"The purple points out

"Oh and we're teenagers!But we can still conversation."The orange adds on

"Wait,wait,"April speaks up

"So you',mutant,turtle,teenagers?"She says putting all of it together,I look at them

"Well,when you put it like that,it's sounds ridiculous!"The purple one says

"See..they're looking at us like we're freaks..I bet that's why the yellow one took our picture,wasn't it?To show your friends?"The red one ask April,jumping off the little edge.

"Bro,that's a good thing!Maybe she has hot friends,like the over protective one."The orange says pointing at me,causing me to cross my arms

"Looking for this?"The red one says holding up April phone

"Don't break it.."I order slightly as he walks closer

"No,no,no please..."April says with a slight beg tone

"How many times do I have to tell you?We don't break things,we fix them."The blue one spoke up grabbing the phone away from him

"Donnie already wiped the phone genius.Problem solved,moving on."He continues

"And who it you in charge?"The red ask pushing his shoulder

"You know who did.."The blue says getting closer to him

"Ooh,tension!Its been like 30 whole minutes since you guys had this argument."The orange spoke up

"Leonardo,if we want to make it home before Master,we got to hustle.."The purple on orders while I give a confused look

"Leonardo?"I whisper lowly,he turns towards me leaning towards us both

"Do not say a word about this to anyone.If you do,we will find you.April O'Neil...(Y/N) (L/N).."he says while I nod slightly

"Who says I'm gonna be snitching..."I speak up as he looks at me before backing away

"We're on the move,Raphael.."

"Raphael?"I mumble glancing at April who had the same expression as I did

"But didn't they..."I trail off before hearing footsteps

"Yeah..We'll find you,O'Neil,(L/N).."The orange says while I cover my light from laughter

"I'm sorry,that came out super creepy okay?We will find you though."He says pointing at us,I give a thumbs up before he goes along the others.The four start to jump onto roof to roof of each building

"I was on fire,bro!Did you see me back there?Guys I totally talked to two girls man!"

"Shut up Mikey!"I hear one of them shout back,I giggle slightly turning to April who had their phone out

"April,what are you doing?"I ask,she checks her phone

"It's good enough..."She mumbles putting her phone away


"Leonardo...I know those names.I know those names.Raphael,Raphael.Leonardo."April kept on repeating looking through her closet,I was sitting on the couch

"April,I know those names seem familiar..I feel the same way,but seriously..I'm not cleaning up that mess.."I say while she opens a file,checking through hand in me a book

"Check in there!"She orders,I open it seeing notes.To my surprise,the same symbol from before

"April..."I catch her attention,she looks up as I turn the book to her direction

"It's the symbol..."I say while she grabs an old tape placing it inside her old camera.I come up to April watching it with her


"Good evening...This is April O'Neil,I'm here with my best friend,(Y/N) (L/N).."


"We are reporting live from my daddy's lab.I know it sounds pretty boring,but actually,he does some pretty cool stuff."She says turning the camera around,I wave towards the camera smiling

"Time to put the camera away,April."We hear her dad order

"Aw,dad.."April whines a bit


April fast forwards it a bit while I look at her

"Those we're the good old days..."I mumble,before she presses the play button


"And now I will show you something amazing.Its supposed to be from a different planet in outer space!"April says pointing it to a green ooze,before pointing it to me

"(Y/N) don't!"She yells out,I take a sample of the liquid looking at it closer

"Look April!"I say,she places the camera closer as I stick my fingers.Licking the substance as she widen her eyes

"Ew,gross (Y/N)!"She says while I giggle before Eric comes into view

"Ready to inject it?"He says grabbing one of the turtles and a needle

"Here we go.."He says injecting it,my eyes widen seeing it was the substance from before.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. [TMNT X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now