Chapter Six

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"Mr.Sacks,what sort of experiments are you doing here?"April ask while I stand next to her giving a thumbs up

"Oh that's a very complicated question.We're trying to change the world."He rowdies,April runs to the glass cage pointing the camera towards the turtle.I ran in the other side,while pointing to each turtle

"Look at the camera!"She yells out before showing the camera to Splinter

"Hello Splinter."


The videos ends,I look at April who looks at me

"I can't believe I actually licked that.."I say in embarrassment,she smiles

"It isn't that bad now."

"They injected in our turtles though."I say while April looks trough seeing a tape with writing of 'Leonardo'.She puts them inside,as it starts up


"And these are our little turtles,Leonardo,Raphael,Michelangelo and Donatello.The fans want to see you!"April says taking a closer view,I tap on the glass giggling.April does the same but one of them breaks the glass causing us both to jump


"I knew it..The vigilante,I saw him.We saw them (Y/N)!We saw them!We've known them since we were little girls (Y/N)...They were our pets remember?They were our childhood pets,and they were named after Italian Renaissance painters.Its what brought us close!"She says while I nod helping her to put all the stuff away

"That would explain everything!W-We have to pin everything together April!"I say,she nods immediately smiling a bit

"Their alive!"


"Hand me those photos!"April orders,I do what she ask before looking out the door

"I'll go get Bernadette!"I yell out running out,going to Bernadette office.Tapping on her desk causing her to jump

"Who a--"

"No time to talk,we..April got a story to share with you.Major!Its important!"I say,Bernadette nods standing up as I start to run back to April office.Seeing her writing with a light green maker looking over her plans

"Did you get her?"She ask

"Yes!"I say taking a deep breathe hearing footsteps behind me

"O'Neil!Alright,your friend told me you have something major.What was so important I had to get here?"She ask,April sets the market down walking up to her

"Okay.Are you ready?"She ask,Bernadette nods


"Okay you know how I saw the vigilante.."


"But I had no photos or evidence to show you,so we both just sounded crazy."


"Okay but..we saw him again."

"Them!Because there's four..There's not just on there's four."I correct she nods continuing on

"And we were standing as close to them as you are to me right now.."April continues as Bernadette nods

"What'd they look like?"She ask

"I'll show you.."April says going up to the board,pointing to a turtle picture


"Like this.."

"Like turtles?"She says while I go up to her

"I know,same reaction as you.But you may not believe it but it's true!They don't look like turtles beachside they are turtles.."I explain nodding,Bernadette shakes her head slowly

"They're over six feet tall and they speak English."April continues as she just turns away form is

"Oh my god.."

"We were awake all night,please look..we were awake all night googling all the thwarted crimes over the past three months and this symbol...appears at every single one...Every single on."I say pointing at the picture,before pointing every symbol there was

"This one,look.Here here here here here..And it's an ancient Japanese symbol that means 'family'"I explain,April starts to look everywhere

"Wait it's on my laptop.."

"I can't believe you brought me in to do this!"Bernadette speaks up while April goes up to her opening the laptop.Trying to find the information

"It's here it's here...this is my fathers lab.."April starts off while I walk closer to them

"It's the same lab where these things were born or created"She trails off while I cross my arms

"Mutated.."I correct her while she shakes her head

"Or I don't know the terminology,but will you please just look at what I'm showing you and listen to me.Its all connected.The turtles are vigilantes and the vigilantes are these turtles."April explains pressing the play button


"Pizza has cheese,tomato sauce all your favorite stuff."April says feeding them the pizza while I was holding the camera

"Eat it.You guys need nutrition.Or not."


"I just want to be clear.."Bernadette closes the laptop,looking at the both of us

"You guys are now telling me that there are four six foot talking turtles walking around New York City,and no one had seen them but you girls?"She ask while we nod

"That's what we're telling you."April and I say in a sync,Bernadette shakes her head face palming

"I don't mean to laugh,but is here anything else we should know about them?"She ask

"They're ninjas.."I reply while Bernadette looks at me

"I'm sorry what?"

"And they do karate.."

" two get out..April your fired,and take your friend with you.Who doesn't even work here in the first place.."Bernadette says walking off,while I sigh looking at April

"They'll soon gonna regret this April.."

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. [TMNT X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now