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Marshall looked at the clock on his media centre, it was time to go to work. A new girl was coming to the relief centre today and he had to show her around and discuss her preferences which meant he had to get there earlier than usual.

The relief centre was a fancier name for the government operated cheap brothel where men and women could get a quick fuck without having to rely on illegal prostitution and shady practices. The centres were set up after a bold experiment showed it reduced the number of crimes involving sex to almost nothing, although it took its time before it became widely accepted.

His job was being a handler to four of the women working there. He would assist them, keep an eye on them through a special camera for their safety, provide food and drinks when they wanted some, help freshen them up after each customer including their private parts, and tie and untie them every time since the section he worked at was specialised in light bondage like soft handcuffs, wrists and ankles bound by leashes, shawls, things like that.

He himself wasn't particularly into that kind of thing, but sometimes he discussed an idea with the women and then used it if they liked it. He had also never been interested in using the option of getting service from any of the women, offered to the handlers to relieve any pent up desires while working with naked women all day. It wasn't that he didn't like sex, but the few times he'd been with a woman had been for just a little fun while on vacation. He also didn't have to complain about the attention because he was in good shape and women flirted with him to get him into their bed at least once. He just didn't have that much desire to get laid.

He put away the book he was reading and got dressed in his standard black suit. A suit was the official dress code to show the customers he was a handler, but there was no insignia or anything to indicate he worked at a relief centre. Handlers just looked to the public as people working as managers working at an office or maybe a nightclub or restaurant. He preferred it since that would avoid any strange and curious looks or questions which was still a thing despite the common occurrence of centres like this.

A quick hand through his black hair was enough to make it look decent enough and he left, mildly curious to meet the new girl.

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