Chapter 03

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Désirée showed Marshall pictures of her time at college the next day after their shift was over while they sat in the lounge. She had asked if he could help her with preparing for the coming exam and he didn't mind.

He looked closely at her picture during graduation. 'You look proud.' he said. 'That's very attractive.'

She snatched the picture away. 'Oh shush. I was just as plump as I am now.' she said with a chuckle and looked it. 'I even wonder how I got any boyfriend in the first place.'

'Come on, that little bit extra you have only makes you more feminine and attractive to men.' he said. 'We've had skinny girls here, but they never got as much attention as the girls with a little curve on their body.'

She held out her mug to him and grinned. 'Then make sure I don't lose them and get me another chocolate milk.'

He let out a laugh, took her mug and bowed to her. 'Yes, mistress. One chocolate milk coming right up.' he said and turned to the kitchen. 'But I'm not carrying you when you can't get your curves up the stairs anymore.'

'You're my handler, so you'd better put some muscles on yourself then!' she said and threw a pillow at his back while she laughed.

He looked back at her. 'Hey, no abusing the staff or I won't help you study for your exam.'

She made herself small and looked up innocently at him. 'You'd leave a helpless girl to fend for herself?'

He gave her a grin. 'And tie her up real good if I have to.'

She chuckled. 'I was right before, you are a bad guy.'

He returned with her mug and bowed again. 'Yes, at your service.'

She laughed and he sat down. 'So let's begin the torture session.' he grinned and held up a book with exam questions.

During the following days they spent their time after the shift at the lounge, preparing for Désirée's exam and talking about their interests. She found out Marshall liked to cook, just not for him alone which is why he often made meals at work for the girls under his care, and sometimes for others when he had the opportunity. At home he spent most time just reading and watching movies or series in between a little strength training.

'No wonder you look so good in a suit and in dress shirt.' she said. 'You're what every girl wants.'

He smiled a little. 'I must admit I'm flattered with the attention, but I do it mostly to stay in shape and keep it when I get old.'

She looked at her mathematics book and sighed. 'I only keep my brain in shape.' she said and put it on the table next to her.

'Are you sure you don't want to take tomorrow off?' he asked. 'I can see you're nervous about the exam.'

She shook her head. 'If I stay at home it'll just be worse.' she said, fiddling with her shirt. 'Being here will at least distract me somewhat and if I can get enough satisfaction I might just be able to sleep better.'

He nodded. 'I understand.'

She saw the time and packed her things. 'Time to go home.'

'Want me to drop you off again?'

'Thanks.' she said and put her hand on his. 'But I'm going shopping first so you won't have to.'

He gave her hand a pat with his other. 'All right then.' he said. 'I hope you sleep well tonight, and I'll see you tomorrow again.'

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