What's All Wrong Part One Plus Introduction

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I started this series because of a question that was asked to me last week. I’m on an investigation. What is…All wrong? I don’t know. I’m here to find out. I’m posting this in the venture series partly because those of you who have read know who I’m talking about and partly because it does apply to this area in which I write. This is an overall interview that continues with myself day after day. This will also be a singular poetry book/ interview book… What ever you what to call it. I’ll be updating until the last chapter A.T.O.N.E.M.E.N.T has been reached. Those of you who want to read the continuation of this after the last ‘chapter’ can go to my profile and find the book itself. It will be called “What’s All Wrong?” and yes it will be in quotes. I’m making this an effect because this was a question asked to me. I’ll also write in an introduction there. But from this stand point this is all you need to know. Now let the investigation begin.

  Part One:

Let’s try this

To list

Everything that’s wrong

This hit

Now let’s begin…

There’s home

There’s school

When I’m alone

When I’m ‘alone’

When I’m with friends

When we’re smiling

Is it real?

Is it real?

Question one:

Do you believe in yourself?


I most certainly do

Question Two:

Then what’s the problem?


I don’t know.

All The Obstacles Never End Mentally, Enthusiastic Notes TakenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora