08 | elevé

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    a rise upward onto the toes    

Waking up the next day I didn't have that many memories of the previous night. Not that I had been intoxicated or anything, my mind was just in a complete blur and all of my memories were very blurry and unclear. I guess that's good because if I did terrible stuff I don't have any memories of that but on the other hand, if something important happened then I just forgot about it and that's not very good.

Opening my eyes, I finally understand that I'm not sleeping on a pillow and instead I'm sleeping on an actual person. My eyes slowly look up and I feel my breath getting caught in my lungs as I stare at Rosen, who's sleeping peacefully, his chest heaving up and down in a slow and continuous rhythm.

As I stare at him, Rosen's eyes slowly flicker open, his gaze falling on me. He realizes the position we're in and a blush appears on his face. I don't even know if it's because he's embarrassed or because he likes our current position. He yawns and stretches his arms out as I push myself off of him, trying to get away from the sexual position.

"Good morning," Rosen whispers and smiles at me. Feeling self-conscious that my breath might smell, I just smile and nod my head, trying to avoid talking with him as much as possible. Rosen lifts up his hand and brings it closer to my face, his fingers tenderly caressing my cheek and then tucking a small curl behind my ear. I close my eyes as I let my face melt into the palm of his hand, enjoying the warmth. Instinctively I press a soft peck on his hand and look up at Rosen, who's staring at me with his eyes wide.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach as his tongue darts out of his mouth and licks over his slightly chapped lips, making my insides twist and turn in an uncomfortable yet satisfying way. Before the butterflies subside, Rosen grabs my face in his hands and pulls me closer to him; my knees on either side of his legs as I sit on his lap, our faces dangerously close.

"Morning, sleepy heads!" A bright voice yells as the door flies open, the two of us jumping away from each other immediately. I feel my body turning hot as I stare at Saskia. She looks a bit taken aback by the position Rosen and me were just in but shakes it off. "Sven and I made breakfast so come and eat it before it goes cold."

Pushing myself off the bed my legs feel like spaghetti. I speed-walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed a deep red color, my heart pumping in my chest. My hair's a complete bird's nest with one curl neatly tucked behind my ear. Everything else about me looks like a total mess. After quickly washing my face and brushing my teeth, I head back to the bedroom, where Rosen's texting someone on his phone, a small smile on his face.

"Do you wanna use the bathroom before going downstairs?" I ask, making Rosen's face snap towards my direction. He nods his head and gets up before stretching once more, his T-shirt rising ever so slightly, his sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips, a white Calvin Klein underwear band visible. My mouth goes dry as my eyes trail along the tiny patch of hair going from his belly button and disappearing underneath his pants. I swallow a previously formed lump in my throat as Rosen takes a step closer to me and wipes the side of my mouth with his thumb.

"Careful, you're drooling," he winks and walks out of the room, leaving me behind dumbfounded.

Heading downstairs I follow the smell of food and walk into the kitchen, my eyes landing on Sven and Saskia, who are laughing at something and Isabella, who's rummaging through the fridge, trying to find something else to eat as she's probably hungry and too picky to eat the food Saskia has cooked. My eyes land on two plates with scrambled eggs and bacon on them, a glass of orange juice placed next to the plates.

Unraveling Rosen | ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum