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My ultimate dream came true on a Saturday morning.

All I wanted right now was the chance to go to prom with Rosen. Judging from the way he acted around me and how weird he was, I thought he doesn't even want to go to prom and he just was looking for an excuse to get out of it.

Turns out I was wrong.

Rosen was just planning the perfect way to ask me to prom. Sure, it wasn't no Internet worthy proposal, where everyone goes crazy and the act goes viral, but it was sweet and adorable nonetheless. I'm pretty sure Saskia or Imogen helped him as well, because there's no way he was able to figure something like that out on his own.

He enters my room as I'm searching for apartments online. After a lot of talks with both Saskia and Sven, the four of us decided to rent an apartment together. That way it will be affordable for everyone. Now we just have to figure out the best location that's close to everyone's school.

Rosen has a goofy grin on his face, trying to mask the excitement. His arms are behind his back, clearly hiding something from me. "I have something for you," he says, unable to control himself. He smiles at me and pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"What is it?" I ask him, averting all of my attention from the computer to him.

He uses one of his hands to pull me up from the chair, leading me to the bed where I sit down on the edge. "Close your eyes," he whispers. I do as told, my heart picking up speed as I grow more anxious. I have no idea what to expect. If Rosen went out and spent a ton of money on me again I will be kind of annoyed.

Although he's temporarily living with us, he still has to pay rent at his old place. I know that he's already struggling with money so I don't understand why he would spend his money on me when I can probably afford whatever he buys me on my own as well.

When I feel something placed onto my lap I feel giddy, trying to open my eyes but Rosen places his hand on my eyes, holding me back from seeing what's on my lap.

"Can you guess what that is?" he asks me.

I shake my head. "I have no idea. What is it?"

"Open your eyes." Rosen pulls his hand away from my eyes.

When I open my eyes I see a cardboard box on my lap. I furrow my eyebrows. Opening it, my mouth drops open. Inside is a pair of high heels, but not just any kind of high heels. They're probably the most gorgeous pair of heels I've ever seen. The shoe itself is a white-silver color with a satin finish, but that's not what makes the shoe so gorgeous. On the heel part is the most gorgeous design I've ever seen in my life. Silver colored leaves are all around the heel, giving the shoe the most elegant look I've ever seen.

I'm pretty sure my mouth has been open for about 30 minutes now. I don't even want to imagine how much money Rosen spent on these shoes. I carefully place it back into the box. "I can't accept this," I tell him. "These shoes probably cost you a fortune."

"Don't worry," Rosen tells me. "Saskia and your mom helped me out so I'm not bankrupt if that's what you're wondering."

"Why did you get me these shoes?" I ask him.

Rosen rolls his eyes and laughs. "You silly girl. They're for you to wear when you come to prom with me."

"That's now how you're supposed to ask someone to prom," I tease him. "I was waiting for something way more romantic."

Unraveling Rosen | ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα