The Battle

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We just stood there for a second until Patrick finally said spoke up.

"Do you want to go back to sleep?"

I shook my head. I was about to say something but my phone started ringing. No one should be calling me.

If my mom really cared she would have tracked me down by my phone.

I picked it up and answered it. "H-hello..."

It was my mom. "Mabel. You Fucking bitch where are you."

"Mom Fucking stop."

"You know what Mabel? Kill yourself. I've been wanting to say that for a a while now."

"Then why did you adopt me?!"

She hung up. I felt tears rushing down my face.

"Mabel that was your mom?"

I nodded my head.

"What happened Mabel, talk to me. Please...."

"S-shes just a bitch"

He walked over and gave me a hug. "Maybe you just need more sleep."

I shook my head. "Then maybe we could watch a movie? On my phone?"

That sounded nice.

I nodded my head. He pulled out his phone. Same one as mine.

"Shit. It's only at 26 percent."

I reached in my bag and got my charger. "Here you go "

"Thank you."

He plugged it in and we both laid down on the bed on our stomachs.

"Let's watch Knocked Up" He said, "oh my God that movie is Fucking hysterical" I said.

So he put the movie on as we sat in silence until the funny parts kicked in.

I felt myself slowly drifting asleep, I looked over to Patrick who was already asleep.

I got up and laid on the bed so I don't have to sleep to close to Patrick.


I woke up and rolled over, Patrick was up and getting ready to go somewhere, "Mabel I'm going to the gas station do you need anything?"

I shook my head, "okay, I'll be back"

I slowly sat up as he shut the door behind him, I looked through my back for fresh clothes, I would take a shower but the bathroom has no door and the shower has no curtains.

I got dressed and plugged my phone in to charge and once I did that my phone was going off like crazy. It was all my friends...

I opened the chats and read most of them, they where mostly, "Mabel come home I miss you".

Which honestly I wasn't falling for any bullshit.

The RunawayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora