Chapter Six

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Wanna know what would make my day? If every chapter got at least 10 votes...I'D BE SO HAPPY

That’s Lannie ->

Chapter six.

Day Six, June 5,

So yesterday I saw Ezekiel again. He got hot! I mean I thought he was nice looking before but now...yum! I sorta feel like I'm cheating on Jamie by saying that. I gotta remember that Jamie is straight...Although yesterday while we got some really good ice cream Lannie, Ezekiel super awesome cousin, asked if Jamie was my boyfriend. AFTER I HAD ALREADY STATED THAT HE WAS JUST MY FRIEND! I said no that he was straight but what got me was when Jamie said, "Yeah, I guess so.". HE SAID I GUESS SO! Why didn't he just leave it at yeah? He's so confusing. Then again I'm probably just over thinking things....

So my dad said he'd get the boat out again today. I'm really excited! I asked if I can bring so friends along and they said yes. So of course I raced as fast as I could to Ezekiel's cabin, it was midnight...luckily he opened the door. So now it's gonna be Jamie, Ezekiel, Lannie, Callie, and ME! I guess my parents are coming along too, as well as Callie's mom, dad, and her uncle. The boat is going to be super crowed.

So's goal is a little more interesting, the book says, 'Find a cave and go exploring. Maybe even have a party.' there has to be a cave around here somewhere! I'll find one, and then I'll have the awesomest (is that a word? I wish you had spell check diary!) cave party ever! Well there will only be five people, but still...

Tummy is growling, write more tomorrow~

Love, Love.

I do the same routine as the last two days and hide my diary in my pillow case. I climb down the ladder and face Jamie.

" Jamie wake up!" I jump onto his bunk and start shaking him.

"Logan!" his eyes are open now and he has that 'damn it, it's morning' look on his face.

"Dreaming 'bout me again?" I ask curiously wiggling my eye brows.

"Actually," He starts, "you were there."

My curiosity grows, "Well what happened?"

"Well," Jamie sits up, "I don't think I should tell you." My jaw drops as he causally stands up and walks out of the room.

What does he mean, 'I don't think I should tell you'. That's crap! no one keeps things from me! No one! I'll get it out of him by lunch. I know I can.

"Jamie!" I whine walking into the kitchen where he was pouring himself a glass of milk.

He pretends to ignore me but I see the small smirk he's trying to hide.

"Tell me Jamie! I'm your best friend. We tell each other everything. EVERYTHING!" okay so maybe I'm breaking the rule with not telling him I like him, but it's not like he asked or anything!

He grabs his glass of milk and takes a sip of it as he walks outside. I follow him.

"Just tell me!" then I come up with the perfect solution, "Fine I'll just poke you until you tell me!" I start gently jabbing my finger into his shoulder. This will work, eventually, it always does.

Jamie casually takes a few more sips of milk then sets his glass down on the dusty plastic table that took up most of the space on our porch. Man someone needs to clean that thing!

"I already said I shouldn't tell you."

I frown up at him, "Why not?" I start poking him harder.

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