Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Day 9, June 8 

Dear Mr. Diary, 

I'm so fucking scared right now! You'll never believe who I saw last night at Callie's party......TRACY! Turns out Callie and Tracy's parents are good friends. Guess what else, she just so happened to beg her parents to stay with Callie for a while.

I'm so screwed! 

As soon as I got home last night I ran screaming to my bed, covered myself up in my blankets to where you could only see my head, and held onto Honey the whole night.

Honey is my ninja bear by the way...

Alright now that I've calmed down a tiny bit I'll tell yah what I have to do today. 

Visit a freaking (see I'm getting better) cemetery at midnight! 

I won’t survive tonight so I'm taking this time to say goodbye Mr.- hold on got a text.... 

Heh, sorry about that (I really didn't have to put I got a text...I'm stupid...) what was I doing? Meh screw it. 

So anyway I just got invited to Ezekiel and my first date. I have to go get ready now. 

See yah tomorrow. 

Love, Love~

I run my hands through my soaking wet hair. Why is this bothering me so much? Why can't I just pick one?! 

Now I've always been picky about what I wear, how I look, things like that. But I shouldn't be freaking out over which pair of jeans I should wear, black ones or navy blue ones. I'm already in my shirt, which is plaid, blue, and yellow. Fancy huh?

 I finally decide to go with the black ones, I'm already wearing blue. 

Once I'm all changed and my hair's dry and looking as awesomely as it usually does, I get bored and decided to bother Jamie while I wait for Ezekiel to come and get me. 

My dad had finally gotten the TV fixed (Turns out the remote really was just dead…heh.) and that's where I found Jamie. He was watching something I honestly couldn't care less about, so I plop down beside him and stare at his eyes. I've always liked how Jamie's eyes look. I suppose I sort of got envious of them and wished my eyes looked that cool. But hey, blue eyes are cool too!

I notice Jamie glance over at me a couple of times. I just keep staring watching to see how uncomfortable looking he gets. Finally after what seems to be ages he speaks up.

"I knew you thought I was attractive." he says with a smirk.

"You think it would hurt if I stole you're eyes?" I ask ignoring what he just said. 

He wrinkles his eyebrow in confusion, "Uh?" 

Before I can explain I spot Ezekiel outside. I sprint from the couch not even bothering to say goodbye to anyone. I'm pretty sure I didn't even tell the others where I was going. Eh, they'll get over it. 

I tackle him with a hug. I guess I caught him off guard because he stumbles back. Luckily he regains his balance before we both fall over. 

"Someone's excited to see me." he jokes.

I release him and smile happily, "You're taking me to get food. The least I can do is give you a hug." 

He takes my hand and pulls me to his rust bucket of a car. His car may be crappy but yesterday he told me how he'd saved up for it for so long. It's like his baby. His 20 year old, rusty, loud, smelly baby.   

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