11.1|| Breaking Point

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The group exited the compound through the hole in the fence and headed out for the spot where William waited, found him singing 'itsy, bitsy spider', grabbed him and rushed as far away as possible.

Finally, about a half an hour later, they stopped running and Sam considered it a good time and place to set up camp. After they'd all sat around the campfire, Tom told them how he'd found Angie and about their plan to bust them out.

"Well, I must admit I'm quite impressed," Sam said. "I didn't expect you to save us so quickly and undetected. That was some great plan, Angie."

"Actually, Tom was the brains of the operation," Jerry said. "Angie was the muscle, strangely enough."

"Really?" Sam asked. He'd sounded a bit rude, but the idea of Angie being Tom's bodyguard was amusing. "So, you've been training..." He stopped, seeing the nasty look on Tom's face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you piss me off. Bad!" Tom answered unexpectedly belligerent. He held Sam's gaze for a few more seconds then looked away.

Sam rolled his eyes. "What is it this time?"

"I'm sick of you considering the rest of us idiots," Tom answered loudly. "You act as if you're the only one who can make decisions. As if we're just a bunch of morons you're doing a favor."

"Shut up!" Sam snapped.

"No, I won't shut up!" Tom stared at Sam now, his fists clenched. "This is the second time I've saved your ass, and you still think you're flawless."

"I got captured saving your butt, so don't you give me this crap!" Sam yelled back. "You ran out on the rest of us and you're expecting me to thank you?"

Tom scrambled to his feet and Sam mirrored his move. They stood inches apart, staring each other down.

"I didn't run out on you," Tom said in a dangerous voice. "I got William out of there on your orders."

"The order was meant for Jim and Jerry who can't fight, not you!" It was so bloody obvious. How could Tom not see this?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I guess you forgot to mention which slave you wanted to obey you."

"See? I don't treat you like idiots. You just can't understand the most basic of instructions. You jumped at the chance to run away, you abandoning coward!"

"You freaking psychopath!" Tom yelled.

Sam had no answer to this. At least, not a verbal one. He stared at Tom for a few seconds, rage bubbling in the pit of his stomach, then, he made up his mind. He charged towards Tom. His twin seemed to have read his mind because he charged forward as well.

Before they could reach each other, Kyle came between them and grabbed their collars. The frown on his face looked positively alarming.

"I don't know what's wrong with you two, but unless you apologize to each other and make up, I'm going to beat the shit out of both of you," he said, his voice dangerously calm.

"Kyle!" Jerry said outraged.

"No, it's time someone knocked some sense into them." Kyle shook them a little to make sure he had their attention then looked from Tom to Sam expectantly.

Tom held his gaze for a few seconds, then sighed deeply and lowered his eyes. "I'm sorry for calling you a psycho," he mumbled.

All faces turned to Sam. He couldn't take his eyes of his twin and rage still swept him, his knuckles itching to connect with Tom's face. He shouldn't be forced to apologize when he had nothing to feel sorry for. He shouldn't be taking this. He was the leader.

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