Chapter 5- Whatever

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Scarlet lead Mark into the house and could almost hear (Y/N) sobbing through the walls. She turned back to look at Mark and saw the sad look on his face. "I'll go check on her and I'll also get my laptop." She quickly ran to the rooms and saw (Y/N) laying in the bed with a tear stained face. She walked over and pulled her up for a hug. "Scarlet... Mark didn't remember me... " She whimpered. "(Y/N)... Don't cry, Come on." Scarlet pulled her up from the bed and took her to the room to get the laptop. "What are we doing?" She asked, following behind Scarlet. "Just trust me." Scarlet replied, smiling. She grabbed her laptop and walked back to the living room to find Mark sitting on the couch.

(Y/N) looked down at the ground, trying her best to avoid Mark's gaze. "Sc-Scarlet, Why is he here?" She asked. "He wanted proof so I'm giving it to him." Scarlet said, setting down the laptop onto the coffee table. She quickly pulled up the private file and typed in the password. Mark took a spot right next to her as she showed him the pictures.

Mark studied the pictures, smiling at a few and sometimes even looking at (Y/N) but she mainly kept her gaze glued to the ground. After he finished looking through them, Scarlet got up. "I'm going to my room and give you two some privacy." She said before running up to the room.

Once Scarlet left, the air filled with silence around them. Mark looked at the pictures and started looking at a different file. (Y/N) looked up and saw what he was doing, she panicked and quickly tackled him to the ground. "Not that file. I regret that file." She said as Mark smirked. He quickly turned over and pinned her down as he opened the file. There was a video titled "To Mark" that caught his attention. He opened it and watched as it loaded.


(Y/N) fixed her hair and looked at the camera. "Hi Mark." She smiled, waving shyly. "I know you're going to California soon so I wanted to make this video and tell you something I never thought I'd ever had to tell you..." She took a deep breath. "I... Uh, I kind of... You know, We've been friends for the longest time and over time I guess... I like you, okay." She looked away from the camera. "You are just awesome and I like you for many reasons. I'm gonna miss you so much and-"

All of a sudden, Mark came running in. (Y/N) looked at him as he picked her up onto his shoulders. He grabbed the camera and ran outside. "Mark! Put me down!" She yelled as they laughed. "Never!" He yelled. The camera fell onto the ground and turned off.

-End Of Video-

Mark looked over at (Y/N), her cheeks flushed bright pink. He helped her to her feet, picking her up like in the video and taking her to what looked like her room. He set her down on the bed and sat down next to her.

"Why can't you remember me?" (Y/N) eventually spoke, Mark shrugged, looking at her. "How can you not remember me? What happened Mark... What happened while you were away?" She continued asking questions. "I don't know, (Y/N), I don't know..." He saw the pain on her face and looked around for something to lighten the mood. He suddenly remembered the tiny box Tim in the living room and went to go get him.

He came back a few minutes later and handed him to (Y/N). "I am trusting you to take good care of my little biscuit." He laughed as (Y/N) hugged him tightly. "You can trust me." She smiled softly, still holding the plush close to her chest. Mark felt his cheeks heat up at the adorable sight.

He didn't realize he was staring until (Y/N) started giggling. "You're staring." She pointed out. "What...? Oh, I'm sorry." Mark laughed softly, looking away from her. She touched his cheek softly, making him look at her with a nervous gaze. "I-It's okay," She blushed, gazing into his eyes. "I... I..." (Y/N) didn't know what to say as they locked eyes. "I'm a little nervous... Sorry." She smiled again.

'Is it wrong I want to kiss her?' Mark asked himself. 'I did just meet her... Well technically... I did know her before this but... would it be okay?' Suddenly, he felt (Y/N) beginning to pull away. 'I could probably do it now but... No, it wouldn't be right...' He sighed as (Y/N) put the tiny box Tim onto her nightstand.

(Y/N) worried about Mark's sudden silence. 'Was it okay that I was close to his face like that?' She looked over her shoulder slightly and saw Mark staring at a wall. 'Is he okay?'  (Y/N) asked herself. She looked back at Tim and sighed, giving the plush a half-hearted smile. "I hope he's okay..." She hadn't realized she said that out loud until she heard Mark reply softly. "I'm okay... Just thinking about something..."

(Y/N) turned around and gave Mark a shocked look. "Yes, you said that out loud." He lightly chuckled. (Y/N) blushed and wondered what else she had said out loud but got interrupted as Mark got up. "I should get going..." He smiled

Mark noticed the look on (Y/N)'s face and walked up to her. He smiled softly before giving her his phone. "May I have your number?" He asked in a weird, almost seductive, voice. (Y/N)'s face flushed as she quickly typed in her number and gave him back the phone. "I'll call you and we can hang out tomorrow, sound like a plan?" He laughed as (Y/N) eagerly shook her head. "Well," Mark said. "I'll see you tomorrow." (Y/N) went to get the door for him but when she opened it, Scarlet fell onto the floor.

"H-hey guys," She chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her head. "Whaa? I wasn't listening to your conversation." her eyes kept darting from Mark to (Y/N). "Well I gotta go now. I'll see you guys later." Mark smiled, leaving the house.

Scarlet looked at (Y/N) and smiled. "Someone has a date tomorrow~" She cooed. "Oh? Whatever happened to "Whaa? I wasn't listening to your conversation" ?" (Y/N) mocked, poking Scarlet in the side. "Whatever, You still got a date tomorrow!" Scarlet squealed as (Y/N) embarrassingly blushed. "Whatever."

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