~I Hate Losing..!~~Laughing Jack x Reader~

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(~I'm gonna try writing this chapter a little bit differently then the others, tell me which manner of wrtiting looks better in the comments if you please.~)

You were 21 and you and your husband Laughing Jack were playing around in his carnival, the game was hide and seek, and whoever won the last round, got to order the losers to do whatever they wanted for the rest of the month. Some of the other creepypasta's came over and joined in since they were very interested, Jeff and BEN and were a couple them. Jack was the seeker, and everyone else was hiding. You and Jeff had decided to team up for this, since it seemed Jeff had the best hiding places no matter what the area, and he didn't want you to have to be bossed around. You could hear Jack's voice as he counted growing fainter as you and Jeff got farther and farther away.

"C'mon (Y/n)! I have the perfect spot this time!" Jeff chuckled quietly as you and him ran.

"I sure hope so Jeff!" You panted, noticing how far you were running.

"Trust me, Jack will never check the place I found, but the bad part for me is, I'm gonna have to give myself up once your in there." Jeff scratched his head as he spoke. You tilted your head in confusion when suddenly, you heard a familiar raspy voice screech throughout the entire carnival, and panic shot through you.


"Crap! Hurry! We're almost there!" Jeff exclaimed under his breath as you got closer to one of the nearby tents. You heard the sound of Sally shouting in shock and Laughing Jack cackling after a few minutes of silence besides the rapid footsteps against gravel you and Jeff made.

"Found you Sally! Hahaha!"

"Eek! Oh well, I'm sure you'll never find the others!"

"Ohoho...I highly doubt that..."

You winked to yourself as you thought. "We'll see about that you overconfident clown."

You and Jeff dashed inside the tent and covered the entrance as fast as you could, panting from how tired your legs were.

"Alright...now where's this 'perfect spot' you told me about?" You questioned, using your hands to make quotation marks.

"Over here, quick! I have a feeling he'll show up any minute." Jeff quietly called to you as he speedwalked over to a grandfather clock.

"What the heck is a clock like that doing in here?" You stated, surprised something like that would be in a place as crazy as this.

If Jeff had eyelids he probably would have winked. "It's not really a clock." He slowly smirked with a evil look in his eyes, and yours widened. "Then...what is it?" You raised a brow suspicously.

Jeff opened the glass compartment to reveal a small hole where a long empty tunnel could be found, and light shined through it, you couldn't quite tell what was down there, but you knew it led to somewhere else.

"Hurry up and get in before he finds us!" Jeff urged as he gently shoved you into the small compartment.

"But what about you?" You inquired. "Like I said I have to give myself up so he doesn't suspect it! I got this trust me!" You nodded and in mere seconds you could hear footsteps drawing closer to the tent.

"Go go go..!!" Jeff whisper yelled as you got in and he swiftly shut the small compartment.

You turned and saw light enter the tent and Jeff yelped in shock. "Found you Jeffrey!" You heard Jack's voice howled playfully.

"Gah! Dang it!" He growled. You looked at his face to see him give you a barely visible smirk, before he walked away. You saw Jack's shadow come closer before it faded in the darkness, and you quickly went down the tunnel. To your suprise, it was alot like a slide, and as you lied on your back and sled down, you could hear BEN and others yelling in fear, and groaning in defeat as Jack found them, one by one.

~Creepypasta Oneshot Book~   (~Requests allowed~)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant