Chapter Three// Cookies

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"Babe, you do know you've made a right mess with those crumbs."

I brush the sofa with my hands between our legs.

"What, these cookies are so nice," Nathan swallows, his arm's around my shoulders as I rest my head on his.

"I can't eat anymore, I ate too much last night." With a bashful grin I tell him about me and Lacy devouring two whole pizzas each. His chuckle rings through my ears like a song, his lips close as he kisses my cheek.

"Normally I would be mad if someone ate my food, but as it's you I'm ok with it." Nathan is just so forgiving that way. I curl up into a ball and let my eyes fall heavy, knowing I have such an amazing boyfriend to lean on, and in this case, literally.

Due to Lacy staying over last night, we never actually got much actual sleep. For starters the music didn't stop until one thirty, then our gossiping lasted a good four hours, by then, as the sun parted through the curtains, we gave up on the idea of sleep.

Thankfully my mom returned home around seven, her evening consisted of dinner then spent the night with her boy friend in his house across town.

"Well, talking of food, I have to dash."

My head launches forward like a cannon ball.

"What?" My voice comes out as a desperate yelp. "Where are you going?" The pounding of my heart increases with every step Nathan takes towards the door.

He better just be teasing. As the back of his head faces me, he better be grinning on the other side, ready to shout "Just Joking," when he turns back around.

But he doesn't.

In fact, Nathan takes his jacket with a nonchalant reach up to the hook and walks slowly up to the back of the sofa.

I tilt my head back and stare up at him from below. "I promised my parents lunch," he says as if explaining his absence would repair the broken fracture in my heart. "Bailey is coming too and I didn't get to see her yesterday as she was away with her cheerleading squad."

"What about that quality time you promised we were going to have today." Pouting like a baby probably won't make him drop his coat to stay with me, but it's worth anything I've got. His promises to me feel like they have been tossed aside.

To say the least, I feel betrayed.

"We still have this evening," he winks then plants a kiss on my lips.

"Ugh, no more surprises!" I whine, now acting out a full on baby impression.

It is fine for Nathan to spend time with the family he has not seen for so long, however now my entire day- despite the evening as Nathan has obviously decided to spring another surprise on me- is now completely empty.

Lacy has already told me she is out most of today. She didn't say where or for how long, all I know is that she has plans and I now clearly don't.

"I just thought the first surprise went so well I might try it again," Nathan smirks while backing up towards the door.

"It's a good thing your cute! Otherwise I would be so mad right now!"

He waves then leaves, all in one action.

"Nathan left?" My mom enters from the kitchen door, another tray of cookies balanced on her arms. She scans the room then lands her eyes back down to me, my sulking face in the palms of my hands.

"Yeah he left." I sigh. "Now I am bored."

"I don't suppose you would like to take this batch of cookies over to our neighbours the Carter's? If you're not eating any more and Nathan isn't here, I don't want them to go to waste. They are best when they are fresh out of the oven."

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