Chapter Four// Beach Cove

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"So was your lunch nice?"

I shouldn't sound so spiteful towards him, yet I still ask him the question anyway.

"It was good, nice to see Bailey again."

Followed by silence, I decide not to continue that conversation and stare out of the window counting every lamp post on the side walk. The illumination of light reflects off the car and it lightens up Nathan's face beside me.

"So are you going to tell me where we are going?" The mood enlightens as I make him smile, not intentional but I'm not complaining as Nathan's lips budge into a mini smirk.

"I wondered when you were going to ask that." He turns the wheel, down another unknown road I don't recognise.

"Well your text was so vague," I take out my phone reading off the screen. "I mean Drees nice, picking you up in an hour, wasn't the most helpful message."

"I'm loving the mystery at the moment," his voice fills the air mixing with his sweet scented cologne. It has always been my favourite. "But here's a clue. You know how you wanted to go to a beach?"

"Yeah..." I nod without recognition. "And?"

"And we are here."

On cue, the car rolls to a stop. Outside I see an average looking parking lot, trees bordering the edge with buildings either side. I don't see the ocean, or a beach. I'm smart enough to know that we definitely haven't been driving long enough to be even mildly close to the sea.

"Where are we?" My strappy sandals step down from the car, Nathan instantly by my side with his arm outstretched for me to hold.

Night has almost fallen, an atmosphere of artificial lights and the healthy hum of music ringing in the background.

Nathan seems to know the area rather well, his steps confident as he guides me around the corner and down a path passing fancy restaurants and cafes, with me still possessing no idea in the slightest where he is taking me.

A minute later, he stops.

"We're here?"

Nathan's finger rises and points further down the road. At first I am confused at where he is pointing, but then I notice the blue and yellow stripped building painted in pastel colours in the near distance.

A wooden anchor is hung on the door and squinting through the mist I notice the fish placard on the roof presenting the Beach Cove Restaurant.

"I thought I would bring the beach to us. Well, we did have to drive here, but I thought it would be nice for us to have some sea food." Nathan's voice is a whisper but I hear it loud and clear, the voice of the guy my heart is extremely lucky to have fallen in love with.

"Wow, that is so thoughtful."

Now I feel kind of bad criticizing his decision to leave me today, when all along he had been planning this thoughtful, romantic, amazing dinner for us both this evening.

"Shall we go in?" His fingers lace with mine.

Not another word is said as Nathan pushes the wooden door open and we enter, a little jingle of a wind chime hung on the inside of the door welcomes us into the restaurant. Mosaics of fish and sea life are displayed on the walls, brightly coloured bringing the whole place to life.

A waitress takes us to our table, one Nathan had previously reserved that day.

Even with my fingers twined together with his as we follow the strutting waitress with flowing blonde hair, I feel rather uncomfortable at the way she doesn't hold back with trying to impress Nathan, sending him flirty glances over her shoulder as we walk.

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