Prologue - Recruitment Video

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"Two hundred years ago, the Cornelians came. We lost the war. In just a single day, Earth was conquered. We were enslaved.

We were lucky.

The presumption that we were alone in the universe changed abruptly one day. Since then, we have learned much. Our lives have changed. Our way of living has changed. Even this biosuit I am wearing now, which allows me to operate in space, is possible only due to the help of the Cornelians.

The exoskeleton of this biosuit is made of composite materials which is strong and flexible at the same time. It allows freedom of movement and protection against the vacuum of space. Inside, there is a genetically modified organism, a kind of algae fungi mix, which exists in a symbiotic relationship with us. It eats human waste and produces breathable air. In emergencies, it can even supplement as food.

None of these things could have been possible without the Cornelians.

Even though numbering just about a tenth of the humans, the Cornelians are one of the most technologically advanced races in the universe. So much that, they are one of the three major powers in the universe. Our galaxy is one of the several galaxies controlled by the Cornelians. Unfortunately, that means when they have enemies, they have big enemies. A universal war between the three major factions controlling this universe has been going on for a while now.

Earthlings considered a primitive race, actually had no part to play in this war. But that changed that day. Cornelians realized that even with their advantage in technology, they couldn't fight far superior numbers. Planet Earth is one of three planets in their region of control having creatures of sufficient intelligence.

They came for us.

Humans, even though being an inferior race, have some advantages which the Cornelians lack. One of them being our reproductive ability. The other being our primitiveness.

Our DNA, which is like the basic program for any human, is still very simple. If it survives, any human, could be restored completely. Rather, they can be rebuilt completely, allowing no loss of life. With a complementary technology which could store and transfer electrical data that is memories, it didn't matter even if you were vaporized. If even a single cell survived, a human could be restored.

It is good that we are simple. Other than old age there is nothing which can kill us now. Yeah, even with this miraculous technology, people still grow old. As the Cornelians say, there are somethings in the universe which even they cannot circumvent. Even if they could they would not. For the preservation of any species, birth and death are both necessary.

And so we became useful. We became intelligent dolphins being able to talk and do tricks. We became soldiers in their war.

We were lucky.

The Cornelians only need soldiers. Which means that once the war is over, we won't be needed and they would leave us alone. That said, we couldn't even fight if we could not learn their technology so they have spent much time teaching us. In a sense, it has benefited us far more that it benefited them.

In the past two hundred years we have learned more about ourselves and the universe, than we would have in a thousand years without the Cornelians. Things seemingly impossible, like travelling at the speed of light now seems as simple as walking. Travelling between galaxies several hundred or several thousand light years away, could now be done in a matter of days.

We now have access to their technology, allowing us to develop our own technology much faster. By the time the war is over, we would have advanced much further in our understanding.

Ofcourse, that is likely not going to happen within my lifetime. For this war has been going on for one thousand earth years and will probably go on for another thousand earth years. Even the Cornelians who have a lifespan of several hundred earth years, fully certain of their death, are willingly passing on their knowledge and experience to the next generation. How could we humans not do the same?

Even the Cornelians are fighting for the future, how could we not do the same?

Join the Cornelian Armed Forces. Fight for our future!

This is Ensign Captain Sam Malhotra.

Signing out!"

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