Chapter 1: Junior

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My name is Sam Junior Malhotra. That is my father in the recruitment video. And following in the father's footsteps, I am going to join the armed forces. Not that I have much of a choice.

Every able human being, not of old age or pregnant, is required to join one of the many branches of the military. There are other jobs as well like administration, population support, space research but a very small number of elite people can join those fields. Some consider them lucky, as they never will go beyond the moon.

I consider them unlucky. 'Even on the moon you want a desk job?'

In comparison, the armed forces offer a much better and exciting life of travel and adventure. Not to mention you get to meet and kill aliens. 'Doesn't sound so bad does it!'

If only life were like a bed of roses.

'The Cornelian Armed Forces are to be used in the war. That is its entire purpose, so get ready for a lot of pain!' A human may be able to be saved but the pain cannot be avoided.

'And working hard.' A soldiers life is hard or that's what I have been told. Which actually brings me to point the second disadvantage of being in the military. 'You don't get holidays.'

There is only one condition under which you are allowed to return to Earth. When you are about to start raising a family. The Cornelians support our reproduction and hence understand the need for an optimum environment for it. A military personnel gets 5 years before he and she, have to rejoin their duties. 'That is if you do not have more.' The raising of children after that, is left to the ones who have retired.

So I only have a vague memory of my parents. NOT!

I see them everyday, just not in person. I can always communicate with them, and even see them, just through a monitor. Unless I join the military, it is nigh impossible to meet them before they retire, at the age of 60.

"Junior, your graduation is today. Wake up. Oh and your mum is on, come and talk to her."

"Yes, grandma. Be right down."

This is my house. A simple duplex building, with two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. The living room, dining room, kitchen, another bathroom and a small guest room forms the ground floor where I am headed right now. We also have a basement. My grampa uses it as wine storage.

That said, it is one of the richer housing places. Not surprising considering my family is one of those military families. Since the Cornelian Armed Forces were formed, every member of my family has been in it. Well, considering half the population of the planet have the same circumstances, it is not so shocking. It is just that my family members have actually done well in the military.

Whereas most soldiers end up their careers as lieutenants, my family has been fairly successful. My father is a captain. My mother is ship captain. My grandfather was also ship captain. My grandmother was bridge officer. My maternal grandfather was dock officer. My maternal grandmother was ensign lieutenant. 'So on so forth.'

"Hi Mama.."

"Hey Junior. Congratulations on graduation. Are you eating well?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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