23 Bad Couples

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"Zosia Beer." She struggles, but makes her way across the stage, smiles almost sarcastically at the principal, and grabs her diploma.

The ceremony is too long. It seems like forever as they switch announcers and my name is called.

"Nico Reed."

My walk is slow, relaxed. I shake hands with all these men from the school board and finally I get my diploma. Fucking finally.

Soon enough everyone does the stereotypical hat toss and disperses to find their family. A flash of brown hair crosses my eyes right before I'm on the ground. Zen chuckles down at me as she pins me to the ground.

"Congrats, fucker."

I shove the twenty year old off of me. "I'd be better if you hadn't tackled me."

Mom looks around and Dad knocked a punch into my shoulder and smiles awkwardly. He isn't good with emotions. She stands on her tip toes and sighs. "Where's Zosia?"

I glance around and shrug. I excuse myself and make my way backstage where we sat during the ceremony. A breathy moan catches my attention. Not one of pleasure, more like pain. I find her sitting on a random chair with her hands on her stomach.

"Hey, ma," I say softly. I grip her elbow and help her to her feet. She groans and looks up at me. "What's up? What's going on?"

"Baby. Now!" My heart stops. Her due date was two days ago but why did the baby have to come now of all times.

"We were going to get some food--."

"I don't give a fuck about food, Nico. I'm in labor, goddamn it. Call 911!" I run off to my mom, leaving Zosia behind. I slap my forehead and go back and lead her to my parents. Zen's eyes widen when she sees the state my girlfriend is in.

"Oh my God!" She yells, catching the attention of everyone around her. "Are you in labor?" Zo hisses and clutches onto my arm as I frantically diall 911.

"911, what's your--."

"My girlfriend is in labor." I hang up and sit Zosia down. People gather around to watch as she rocks back and forth, propping a hand under her enormous stomach.

Not even five minutes later a group of EMT storm the place. The crowd splits like the red sea. She's lifted onto the stretcher and pushed away, her first scream of the night echoing in the auditorium.

"Mom, will you. . ." She nods and follows the stretcher. Dad, Zen, and I make our way to my car, since it has the car seat in it.


Mom pushes me out of the delivery room. I sit with my sister, as Dad is out getting food for everyone, and listen to my girlfriend scream and cry.

It'll be worth it, I tell myself, listening to her pain will be worth it.

Zen grabs my hand and give it a good squeeze. Her head rests on my shoulder. "Don't worry. She's in the best hospital in state, with a private doctor and a hand selected nurse staff." Dad went all out for his first grandchild.

We sit in silence, the only thing that can be heard are the whimpers from Zosia and the encouraging words from my mother. Twenty minutes go by and it all stops. Not a single noise.

The door opens and mom steps out. She gesters for me to enter the room. Hesitantly I step into the delivery room.

Zosia lies, sweaty and tear struck, with a naked baby on her chest. She strokes the newborn's cheek when our eyes meet. Tears pool in her eyes. I walk closer to them and come face to face with a bouncing baby boy. His legs are still curled and his hands are fisted.


"Yes. Yes it is."

I sit down on the chair beside her bed as a nurse takes the baby to clean him up. A different nurse cleans the blood off of Zosia's chest and cleans up down there. The two of us share a kiss and I mumble how proud I am of her.

This time the nurse with the baby in her arms comes up to me and asks if I'd like to hold my son. I nod. He's set in my arms and something changes in me. I feel older, more responsible. Black hair and dark brown eyes, but he looks just like his mom. He's going to have my smirk. I can see it.

"This is picture perfect," Zen teases as soon as she walks into the room. She hugs and kisses Zo before making her way over to me and my son.

My son.

I like the sound of that.

"What's his name?" Dad asks, setting down bags of Chipotle. I look over at Zosia.

"We were thinking Thaddeus Reed."

Everyone's face twists in horror. Zen speaks up first. "Why does everyone in this family have weird names?"

"My name is Larry, that's normal," Dad sighs, "your mother named you guys."

"Thaddeus is cute," Mom argues and takes the baby from my arms.

"Thaddeus Nicholas Reed it is."

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