Chapter 11

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I sighed as Elise and Alina finished bandaging my wrist. It wasn't broken, just bruised and slightly sore and should take a couple hours to properly heal.

I looked down at Elise quietly. I needed to know why and she sighed out knowingly, but I could see the pain in her features and she bit back a sob.

"They were twins. Kieran was five minutes older than Ezra. While Kieran was clearly the stronger of the two, Ezra was the more gentle one and I always knew they were complete opposites, but despite that they had a bond that was so special. It happened six years ago on their birthday. Kieran had just began seeing Vivian, and he was...with her when there was an attack. Ezra went out alone, expecting Kieran to show up, but Kieran was too late and Ezra was outnumbered and was so bad he was unrecognizable. The men who did it got away and we lost Ezra all in the same day." She said quietly.

I could see the sadness in her eyes and I knew Kieran blamed himself. I didn't know I was crying until I felt my chest wet with tears I had shed.

"I'm so sorry. I feel so stupid." I said.

"You were going to need to find out sometime. Kieran was always cold and closed off after that, but when he met you I immediately saw something change in him. It was small, but it was there. You bring out the side of him I feared we'd lost forever and-

She looked up as James walked in, Kieran trudging in behind him, sunken eyes and agony still on his face.

Kieran's hazel eyes met mine and the hurt and pain that was in them stilled me.

"I am so sorry Charlotte. You have every right to hate me and I hate myself for not being able to control my wolf." Kieran spoke.

"It's okay, we can-

"Not a single thing about this is okay! I thought I was ready, but I'm not and I don't think I ever will be. You don't realize how easily it would've been for me to end your life. How small you are compared to me. It would've been so easy to choke the life out of you." Kieran growled.

I stood quiet because I knew he was right.

"I'm going to leave, Charlotte. I don't know when or if I'll be back, but I'm going to let you go. I'm tired of hurting innocent people. If I can't control myself around you, then I can't control myself around anyone. You deserve to live a life free of fear.  I, Alpha Kieran Lupin, revoke my claim upon Alpha Charlotte Saxon." He said with his eyes closed.

I gasped as a wall of pain hit me, emanating from my neck as I fell to the floor as I clutched at it weakly.

I fell back onto the tile, struggling to breathe as  I felt my mark being erased, the feeling comparable to someone sticking a white hot branding iron down my throat.

And suddenly as it began, it was over.

I sat up quickly, Kieran's scent still lingering, but he was no longer in the room as I stared around.

I could feel the panic run through my veins, the sadness evident as I cried out, my wolf feeling abandoned. She wanted her mate. I wanted our mate.

I felt sick, nausea hitting me in waves, the urge to vomit presenting itself quickly as I began dry heaving on the floor.

I looked around the room, shock evident on everyone's face as I began to weep.

I watched as Daniel walked forward, helping me up .

"He's ordered me to dismiss you off the territory, Charlotte. I can't fight an Alpha's order, even if I don't agree with it." Daniel said apologetically.

"He's not my Alpha, I will not take his order." I growled out as I shoved him away.

I watched as my mother came forward, reading my expression.

"Oh, baby." She said.

"This isn't happening." I whispered as my tears began to flow.

  "Oh, Charlotte-

  I growled, silencing her. I didn't want to speak to anyone or hear any voice that wasn't Kieran's.

She looked hurt and stood quiet.

"I just don't understand. I don't get it. How can you just leave someone you claim to care about so easily?" I said.

"You don't. It's a living hell, that I can attest to. He'll be back. He just needs some time. He cares for you so much that he can't rein his emotions in so he doesn't trust himself around you. As soon as an Alpha makes their claim, it is clear that the marked is their equal. They bond. That is something that you just can't shut off." My father spoke.

"You're saying the bond made him weak?" I asked.

"If anything it's the opposite. Many will never admit it, but a female wolf is a treasured thing. She is strong and grounded in her ways. She stands firm and doesn't waver in times of trouble. She thinks with her whole being, her heart, mind, and wolf and to have one as a mate, it's truly a gift because you know that no matter what, you will do anything and everything to keep her safe and protected and she will bring you balance and peace. Especially a Luna, you are the heart and soul of the pack." James said.

I sighed at his words.

"Was. I was going to be. Never finished the mating process, things were never finalized and now they never will be. If Kieran really cared, he would've never denounced me." I said. 

"Charlotte, you saw he was not thinking clearly. Please, just stay. He just needs time to think alone. Please, you're the only friend I've got." Alina said with tears in her eyes. 

I smiled at her as he hands found mine in comfort. She was right, but I knew if I saw Kieran, I would be the Alpha I was born to and I would start acting like it.

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