Chapter 20

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"Someone put a price on her. No one knows who, when they get her they're supposed to contact the buyer and he names the location to meet. There's nearly a three dozen people people bidding on her, and the price drops every five hours as incentive. " James spoke.

"How do you know this?" Kieran asked his father.

"I encountered the snipers partner, he was trying to flee. He's in custody."

"What would make someone want to kidnap a mated woman?" I asked in disgust.

"8.6 million dollars." James answered.

My jaw dropped.

"For me? I'm not that special, I can't even shift right now!" I yelled, immediately regretting my slip of tongue.

"You're pregnant?!" Elise and my mother yelled at the same time, both of them grinning.

Alina squealed as I nodded, a blush creeping itself on my face as Kieran sent me a wink and a smile.

James smiled as Elise shook him happily.

"We're gonna have a grand baby. Oh, your first pup. I'm so excited. How are you? Do you feel okay? Do you need anything? I sure ate a lot of brownies when I was pregnant with Alina." Elise said.

"That's probably why she's so damn hyper and eats chocolate like it gives her sustenance." James mumbled.

I chuckled when Alina growled at her father in defense as she grinned.

"I still don't understand why people are so interested in me? I don't get it." I said.

"Besides your shifting ability, it's not you, rather than what you can do." I heard from Pierre.

I watched as he practically glided in, walking with a grace to envy.

"You all forget I have lived nearly a thousand years. I knew the first of your kind. You are not the first woman shifter. There was a woman many years ago with your same ability, she was an orphan but she did not hide her ability because they lacked the self control you all have today and the pull of the moon was far too strong. An alpha forced himself upon her and she later bore a daughter, a female Alpha, and then she later bore a another girl, also able to shift. It was unheard of and they were all later found dead." Pierre spoke.

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"Because unlike her, you are also a Luna, the mate of the Alpha, but because you were an Alpha first in your own right, every child you bare with an Alpha male, whether it be male or female , will inherit the ability to shift and so on in so forth in your line." Pierre said.

"They want her for breeding. They don't know she's pregnant. They're going to come after the baby next." Kieran spoke aloud. When I heard that I was immediately pissed because I knew Kieran was right. I just didn't get how people could be so disgusting.

"What the fuck is wrong with people?! I'm not a baby machine, I have a personality and feeling, I'm a human being. I'm not going to just spread my legs and do nothing. I'd like to see those fucking pigs try and touch my mate or my pup. I'll rip out their heart out myself if someone dares to even think about harming my child. " I growled, feeling my wolf want to come forward at the thought of her pup being harmed. I focused on the hardwood floor beneath me, trying my best to calm down. I knew it had to be the hormones because for the last week my moods had been changing so quickly, I thought I was just coming down with something.

I hadn't even realized my fist were balled until I saw the wood beneath me collect a few drops of red. I looked down to see my clawed fingers curled into my palm.

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