Jessie is Found

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I let him in for I forgot that I was standing in the doorway. "Sorry." I said with a meekly smile.

"That's okay."

I smiled at him. "Now lets go find, Jessie."

"Well, that's the easiest thing to do."

Little while later...

"Sit down." I said as firmly as I could. Jessie sat down.

"Well, that was fun." Jessie said.

"You think everything's fun." I said. You think teenagers are jumpy? Try nine year olds.

I turned to Neil. "Can I leave now?" I asked.



As I walked out the doorway I said, "See you."

As I walked in my room my phone rang. "Hi."

"Ginger, you are not going to believe this!"


"He asked me out!" screeched Sara. "Neil asked me out!"

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