Chapter 28:

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Harry's Pov:

I just about managed to get the permanent marker off of my face. I swear one day Chloe is going to drive me into an early grave. I know she's only 13 but she can be a trouble maker when she wants to be. I quickly got dressed and blow dried my hair.

November was coming and you could feel it. The bus was warm and toasty but as soon as you opened a window the cold air rushed in looking for a place to hide. The air nipped at my skin as I walked through the bus.

The sweet smell of cooking could be smelled from the other side of the bus. I walked swiftly to the kitchen craving whatever was being made.

"Hey Harry, I see you managed to get the pen off of your face." Louis greeted me setting the table.

"What pen?" Niall asked confused looking through his twitter newsfeed.

"Oh, you don't know do you Niall." Louis asked one of his many rhetorical questions. Niall just shook his head wanting to know what had happened so far this morning.

"Chloe, played a prank on Harry this morning, she got a permanent sharpie marker and drew all over Harry's face. It would of actually been quite funny if it wasn't permanent marker."

Niall sniggered and choked on gulp of orange juice in his mouth, nearly spitting it outwards.

"It wasn't funny!" I pouted like a little child.

The boys just laughed at me. I was the youngest so they always pranked me, once Louis and Liam gave me a wedgie and I cried. It hurt like a mother fucker. I will get them back...

I'll make sure of it.

"Mate it was and you know it was" Louis retorted.

Footsteps came from behind me meaning Chloe was up since she was the only one that wasn't here.

"Morning Care-bear, how are you?" Niall said.

-Chloe's Pov-

"Morning Care-bear, how are you?" Niall said to me.

"Alright I guess" I acknowledged.

"Breakfast is ready, you hungry sweetheart?" Zayn asked putting eggs and bacon on my plate.

"Not really." I replied.

Zayn frowned at my comment. I felt sick to my stomach and I was not going to eat food., "Come on, you have to be hungry."  

I shook my head protesting against him. Zayn sighed as he gave every one else there food. The rest of the boys dug into the food hungrily. While I sat there blocking everyone and everything out. I do this sometimes as it gives me a sense of space to deal with.

Sometimes I would sit hours upon hours like this. Just me and my thoughts. Sometimes I thought what life would of been like if the boys were never famous, they never auditioned for X Factor, Dad and Mum were still  here.

I know for a fact I wouldn't of been here now in America for sure. I would of still been at home back in Bradford. I would be living with Mum and Dad happy. I might of had a younger sibling to play and look after. I wouldn't have trouble at school. I would have friends. Zayn would be at University.

This Christmas we could all be together as one big happy family.

Yet, if the boys didn't get famous Zayn would of never met Perrie, Louis would of never met Eleanor, Harry would of never met Cara and Liam already knew Sophia but they would of never gotten together. One Direction would of never happened. They would of never succeed in their dreams. Directioners wouldn't exist. Larry would of never been shipped. No world wide tour, no number one album, no number one singles, no biggest boy band in the world. It would of never existed. It would just be a dream.

-Niall's Pov-

I looked at Chloe as she drifted into a her little world of her own. She did this often but none of the other boys seemed to notice her doing it. By the time we had all finished eating our food, Chloe hadn't touched hers and she was still in her little head space.

"Chloe.." I snapped my fingers in front of her face to get her to notice me. It had no effect on her. Whatever she was thinking about she was thinking about it hard and with a lot of though behind it.

I repeatedly clicked my fingers in front of her face but it still had no effect. I eventually gave up. I knew she would come out of her little trance soon. She was like my baby sister. I loved her more day by day.

The boys protect me and her the most as we are the most 'vulnerable' I can understand Chloe but when the boys do it to me it's annoying. I'm not a child!


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter :(

I need 2 MORE followers until I get 160 my goal is 200 by the end of the year. So if you haven't already please follow me if you read any of my books :)

My head is all over the place my friend done something and Im like this :O


Are you excited for Story Of My Life?

Bye penguins next update on Saturday :)



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